Shad0w City


Are you looking for a town? Are you looking to rest for a quest? Do you want to sell your stuff? Do you want to buy a donkey for just $250? Shad0w City 718 points. We are now currently looking at constructing the residences to level 2. Try your best to help out building and soon it will be a better place for all the residents.

On the minimap we are the second square from the right and the third square from the bottom. Search on the minimap tending sheeps. Look from the South East. There's one near the corner and one near the center. Look at the one near the center. There are two towns near it, one right next to it on the right and one near it on the left. The one on the left is Shad0w City.

Two more things. One, good luck in whatever you decide to choose. Two, telegraph either Shad0w101 or mujie if you want an invitation. Thanks for reading.

We have 3 invitations open. The basic requirement is that, even if only a bit, try to help construct buildings.
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