I need a town! Heres why


It seems every town I put an application in for, and every person I sent a telegram to, it seems they are imaginary people in my head because I have not got one telegram back.


So can anyone here please invite me to a town? Id love to join one. Any one.
Low store prices are a + too.

Thank you in advance..
-A_FITZ, the new sheriff in town.


At level 2 you have very little to offer a Town. Concentrate on getting your stats up to between level 9 and 12 try again. Of course you could always save your money and start you very own Town.
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Well, it seems you can speak proper english and construct sentences, so that's definitely a plus.

The fact that you're only lvl 2 may count against you though. Try levelling up to 10, choosing a character class, and then reapplying.

Do some quests, they help you to level quickly in the early stages.


Well, how am I supposed to get another labor point?

Ive been picking tabaco leaves FOREVER hours and hours on end and I cant even get a 3rd labor point! Im trying to do the quest for "Complete a job with vigor" but I cant even do that because the job requires 3 labor points..

Also please tell me theres more to this game then just watching timers go by.


It's a REAL TIME game, so waiting for time to go by is kinda crucial. Time management skills - if you don't have them this game probably isn't for you.

You don't have to just pick tobacco, there's a whole variety of jobs available to you (even at this early stage). Your motivation is probably way down, so do something else for a while. Something like picking sugar or cotton, since you'll need both shortly.

When you do level, put one point in vigor, and the rest in one discipline.


Oh I have Time Management Skills.

But is there any action in this game at all? Whosoever?


I think you mean whatsoever.

And yes, there's plenty. Think of the game as a journey through life. When you're born you eat, sleep and ****. When you're beginning this game you work, sleep and level.

After a few days things progress to the toddler stage. This is where you start peeing off the adults, get shouted at and reprimanded. A firm hand to guide you through this stage is essential.

After a couple weeks, you're level should be up around the late teens. Think of this also as your age. This is where you can start messing with people and actually have an impact. These will be the weeks that determine your ultimate standing within the game. Progress wisely.

Then there's the final adult stage, where you start contemplating life and the decisions you wish you could make again. The way you brought up your own kids, the partner you never had, the family you would have liked. Emotions start surging through your body, and a solitary tear falls from your eye dampening your collar. This is the point where you logout and start again on W6.


FITZ, if you wanna do quests, u gotta read it carefully before crying here at the forum.