Broken Saddle Sumission


Hi Guys,

Not quite sure where to put this so here it is...

Hope you like it!

Preferred Title: What’s in a name?
Section: Opinion

The name of your town in the Old West was often a matter of pure geography, with many small towns being simply named after a feature of the landscape near where they were. Others are named for the founders or founding family. Still more are named after the original home town or city of the early settlers, whatever country that might be in.

In a themed game like The West a bit of thought is needed. To keep in with the theme of the game a lot of town names appear to follow the same methods, bringing up such names as Swee****er (World 6), London and Dawson City(World 7). Many others seem to be named for favourite TV series or characters, like Babylon 5 (World 8). Yet more are carried over from other browser games, like Tribal Wars, with the same people getting together to form a clan.

Some town founders just invented something, or took a suitable old-west name from a real town. A few, however, have gone the whole hog and come up with names that are both original and in keeping with the period of the game. My favourite of all these was named by a now-deleted player, Big Lad Rob,. The name is original, appropriate and, if you say it in the right way, a fantastic play on words. It has been my home town in World 1 almost since the launch of the game and is, of course:

Hoof Hearted.

Author: Bad Bob (Robert James) Worlds 1-10
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