cannot connect to worlds


is that just me or it's couse of updates? but it's about 12hrs while nothing happens when i click worlds icon.. :(


i recive a message when i try to connect to world 8 like this "You cannot join this world because you have alreade account to world 9" and when i try to connect to 9 the message is the same just viceversa


Cannot join becoz have play in w9

Me too, i've been playing as this character for 1 week, but now it is said i can't join becoz already played in world 9. How that happen?


Do you have an account on World 9?

You can't have accounts in both worlds ... you had to pick which one you wanted to join. Either world 8 or world 9.


Refer to this forum's index.

World 8
Registration open. You can not join this world if you have an account on World 9.

World 9
Registration open. You can not join this world if you have an account on World 8.