The Decision quest - calumet?

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I can either take the decision quest for John or for Waupee - John gives $500, Waupee gives 100 XP and a calumet. Which is more worthwhile? Is the calumet needed in any quest later on in the game? (West Stats doesn't seem to think so.)


Both! The cash would help get another level on the store or tailor in town, which I need, but I also need XP to get up a level. If I may need the calumet in future for a quest though, that would swing it.


I would think if it was needed for a future quest, it would be up against choosing over $500. Generally the 'choice' quests seem fairly balanced, and the cash wouldn't be worth it. Still, just because we havent got to a quest yet that needs it doesn't mean that quest wont pop up (or be invented) in the future...


There's a rumor over at the German forums that the decisions you make in the "choice" quests affect your chances of finding the Piece of a note (part 3). Apparently, the choice you make in one or several of these quests determines when (or whether) a new quest involving the note pops up. This hasn't been officially confirmed though, and I personally don't think the first quest (the decision) affects the outcome, because you can get the calumet later on by selling guns to Indians.


I would ignore the Calumet entirely

What do you need more 500$ or 100xp


Well, it wont affect actually "finding" the note. Ive already got the note and I havent even got to the choice part of that series of quests. At most it might affect getting that quest, but I don't know because I havent got there yet...
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