Gomorra-Fully maxed town recruiting


We're fully maxed so we don't need donations, however if you're just looking for a free ride we're not interested, as things may change when forts come out, or should we choose to expand more.

We're currently recruiting duellers of all levels.
Any other types of level 30+, though if lower feel free to send a telegram and we'll see what we can do.

We have a couple towns so you can join the one you feel fits you best.

We have a very friendly group of people, and duellers that are very capable of defending anyone who gets picked on.

We want to provide an enviroment where people can enjoy the game they play, however we are looking for active players.

We have players experienced with pretty much every aspect of the game who can help with any questions you may have about the game.

Good for newcomer and veteran alike, as we're fully upgraded, and very active in the game world.

So far we've managed to be pretty much drama free, and we'd like to keep it that way, so leave your baggage at the door.

If this sounds like a fit for you just send a telegram to Jasper Stone, hope to hear from you, but either way, enjoy your time in the west :)