Happy County Treaty


As the Mayor of Attica and a resident of Happy County I would like to propose a county wide treaty for all towns within. If you are interested in this treaty then pm me and I'll draw up a list of members and when it is finalised reconfirm your position before drawing up the final charter. This treaty would ensure that only those form outside our county would duel your citizens and that duellers from towns within Happy county would venture outside of our county to duel. In our profiles we can state that we are members of the treaty so no accidental duelling occurs between citizens of towns involved. This would also ensure a county wide "Solution" to problem towns outside of our county.



I'm just wondering what concerns people are having with this proposal. It is only a draft proposal at this stage so even sending through a message stating that you would be interested if.....I expected a little bit more enthusiasm from the county considering this is far easier that seeking out NAP's with your local towns and having a county wide NAP. This will benefit everyone in the county immensely on a long term scale.


I'm just wondering what concerns people are having with this proposal. It is only a draft proposal at this stage so even sending through a message stating that you would be interested if.....I expected a little bit more enthusiasm from the county considering this is far easier that seeking out NAP's with your local towns and having a county wide NAP. This will benefit everyone in the county immensely on a long term scale.

except those that duel for exp points or money. There are alot of towns in happy county that are enemies.(i.e. happy towns vs fom towns). So I really doubt a county wide treaty will ever be feasible.:nowink:


Which I suppose is the main point of the treaty. However if those towns don't won't take advantage of the treaty to start fresh and clear bad blood then there is still room for other towns. This treaty is for those members of Happy County who want peace amongst themselves and can secure a large NAP in one motion. I'm doing all the work towards so guys this is win win for anyone who wants to take advantage and can make that step towards resolution.


My own townees travel outside our county to duel already and it is no big deal, that is the only affect it will have on duelers from this county and the walk will be good for them, get some exercise. Step back for a second and look at the big picture.


LOL, Now that you mention it I have noticed alot of overweight avatars on this game.:laugh:


For everyone, I may be on break for the holidays but I hope a few towns join the treaty and it will at least bring some peace to the county.


Surely you only shooting your own alliance in the foot by arranging this? If you NAP'd with all the FoM towns in your county you wouldn't be able to defend your allies or attack with them, leaving them at the mercy of FoM, lol.


I'm just trying to step up and organise something for the whole county. I have three towns in my nap list and no alliances. This is a bigger picture idea. Think bigger people. Think of your people.