Raiding another towns treasury.


Do you know what would be a great thing for this game. If we could raid another towns treasury.

Say you need 5 members to be in that town at the same time, enter the bank and click raid. The town members who are free to duel or in their hotel could defend, using the duel function, but at a random selection of oponents. The side that wins the most individual duels, gets the booty.


I love this idea lol. We should also be able to rob a town bank too!


yes to treasury maybe if all the town's players are made unavailable to duel. no to bank, no point having a safe house if it isn't safe


Depending on the amount of free players there should be a cap on how much you can take, say its 5 on one, bit harsh.


yes to treasury maybe if all the town's players are made unavailable to duel. no to bank, no point having a safe house if it isn't safe

yes to treasury maybe if all the town's players are made unavailable to duel. no to bank, no point having a safe house if it isn't safe


If you were to raid a town and attempt to rob their bank one requirement: You have to duel all town members currently present with no rewards for winning those particular duels.