main page


on the game screen i have like a grid and cant find out how to get rid of it and its making this world very slow also the tab's on either side of the page the letters look blurred
so if someone has a clue how to fix this that would be great thank you (tumble)


Do check if it's better with another web browser (IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, etc).


Sounds like you either zoomed in or zoomed out. First notice the things on the map such as work icons and towns, do they seem a bit bigger than usual? If so on your keyboard you'll have to press ctrl and the minus (-) key so you zoom back out to normal. If the icons on the map seem a bit smaller it means that you zoomed out and have to zoom in. Just press ctrl and the equal (=) key at the same time to zoom back in. Just make sure whatever you do you only press it once, then wait for it to change. It may take a second or two and pressing it more than once will make it zoom in/out too much. Hope that helps.


yup. unless you don't have a mouse wheel :p. Also it's easier to control so you don't over do it. so double :p on you. hehe.