Break A Wish game


okay your make this wish hard but i'll handle it
.... granted but the explosives were superglued to you

i wish no tnt are made


Granted, but I founded TNT the next day.

I wish for more explosives, it not 2 be glued 2 me, not lit, only activated by me, real, and in every major US governement building 2 blow up in 30 seconds after the next post. O and unstoppable and cannot be unactivated.


granted but you got smashed by a flying crate

i wish i becomea supreme lord of all tnt owners


graNtEd...but your facTory of Tnt explodes...and all your mEmbErs are clEared FroM thE maP^^

i wish "L" was alive...


granted but it does nothing and its completly useless

I wish for a teenage mutant ninja turtle the real 1 :)


gRanted!! and thE tUrTle always hiTs yoU wiT hiS nunchucks^^

i wish we could have a battle...


granted but you bored from punching the punching bag (aka james the hunter )

i wish for angel to fall madly in love with prune juice


Granted, but prune juice spoils and is very nasty... So she breaks up with it, and pours it on your head

I wish for the new year already


granted, but you drank to much and can't remember the party

i wish premium was free!


Granted, but you have to completely start over with a new account.

I wish there were less towns...


Grated, but more wore founded the next day.

I wish u guys werent idiots and think im a punching bag.


Well people use you as a kicking bag instead of punching bag.

I wish I wasn't smart


Granted, but you had to go to school and got smart anyway.

I wish for coffee with milk and no sugar.


Granted, but 4 some reason they gave u a drink, shaken not stirred.

I wish 4 people 2 stop acting like im a hitting bag.


Granted they take aim with their guns and your now a shooting target

I wish i was the president of the USA


Granted, then the congress impeaches you, and you are forever shamed...

I wish for money!


Granted you get 1 penny

I wish for chuck norris as my personal bodyguard


gRanted...but He's Too LazY to GuaRd yoU WerE kIdnAppeD

i wish for a ChickEn


granted but the chicken would have flu.

i wish to be part of a movie..


Granted, but it stars coleman francis and is called red zone cuba.

I wish for fannie mae to go up to fifteen dollars.