Hide worlds we can't play in


Give us the option to hide worlds in the login area that are locked from being played that people don't have a character in.


Do you have any valid reason why they should spend time coding this?


Actually they should because soon there will be too many worlds to be in the main so... they have to find a solution before it happens.


As they put more worlds in, the area space for login for different worlds would start to take over, by hiding the worlds that people can't play they can keep the login space relatively small.

Unless instead of expanding the login area they could do a scrolling view window.
I am not sure how often they will add worlds to play in, so I don't know if this would be a decent ideal or not.


I know on tribal wars they show 12 worlds on the log on screen without it being a problem.


Im sure they will hide soem worlds when there is too many of them. But everyone can handle with 5.


For crying out loud, they already gray/grey them out, what more do you people need?!