Need Hard working workers


I have a new town, and i need workers who will build the town fast up?
Who will join?

Deleted User - 1278415

Ya know we have a place for these kind of requests... its in the w11 recruitment sub section.

When you look at world 11 Threads, there is a sub thread list above the threads called Recruitment.

Go into that section and post your request for your Hard working workers.

So is the town only going to have workers and no adventurers, soliders and duelers. A workers only sanctuary if yo u will.

50 glorius workers that can not be dueled. 1 niinja worker to rule them all.

sorry just a dream I had.


You will also find you have more success if you lower your standards just a little. Rather than demand that they be "hard working workers" I would recommend "Looking for workers with a pulse. Hammer optional.". (tumble)