New Oslo City - accepting applications


New Oslo is accepting applications from active players looking to have some fun with the game.

Town Name: New Oslo
Town Rank: 897
Town Points: 9096
What classes are required: All
Number of Open Positions: 5
Town Descriptions: Town Hall, Tailor and General Store level 5, Gunsmith and Bank level 4, Hotel level 3
Where to contact: engaboy

The city is in the making and we need more active players to help making it grow and manage the growth. We hope to improve greatly on this town, but do of course need more active residents to make this happen.

No tax policies. Contribute what you want.

Duelling policies. Yet to be carved out. Have your say in the matter!

We are looking for:

1. an additional counselor to help manage the town and recruitment.

2. active players. Preferably pure skill workers/adventurers or good soldiers and duellers.

Join in for some fun and a piece of the action! :)
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just updated town description to conform to the standard and we have grown a bit further since first posting here. Very little response to the advertisement yet though. Hope some people will contact and help build an active community around the town. We are here to have some fun!