

The Drunken Norsemen is the leading bunch of rednecks so far in the Wild West.

Becoming a sworn member in the City of "Drunken Norsemen" is much more than just a job, its..hmm..*cough*.

And the benefits extend well beyond those of ordinary Cities with rules and other booring stuff like forcing knuckleheads to donate money or even stay sober during the weekends..

As a member of Drunken Norsemen, you'll be in a position that offers almost immeasurable rewards in the pursuit of service to the citizens of our glorious city.

Don't forget the Drunken Norsemen never let you walk alone, ever.


Its now OPEN for recruitment, we looking for all classes at the moment:
- Builders (Bring your hammer we provide you with nails & beers)
- Soldiers (Bring your gun, we provide you with strippers)
- Adventures (Bring your money, we revenge your deaths)
- Duellists (Bring your grin, we will hide behind your back)

contact fattaren
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