travelling time


When you go from point A to point B you take, for example, 20 minutes.
When 10 minutes have passed and you're in the middle of A and B, you suddently remember that you need to go to point C that is in the middle of A and B. You cancel the first travel and you input the new destination. When You make this change, the time resets. However I think that this time shouldn't reset, because you already made half of the way. It should discount on the time that is passing.
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You're right , but I think this is more a "bug" than an idea .


I also think you're influencing an idea on the basis of your own foolishness.


lol well yes it should BUT the game just calculates travel time and then adds it to the work and once you have finished the travel time your icon actually "moves" so its less work on the servers than keeping a real time movement tracker on you.


I agree this would be a good idea. But part of me likes it the way it is. Sometimes I queue up some work and my man sets off. Then I realise that I forgot to bank my cash, so I cancel the work before it starts. I like that I'm instantly back at my town and can bank my money.

If you queue up the wrong things, that's your own fault :)


I agree this would be a good idea. But part of me likes it the way it is. Sometimes I queue up some work and my man sets off. Then I realise that I forgot to bank my cash, so I cancel the work before it starts. I like that I'm instantly back at my town and can bank my money.

If you queue up the wrong things, that's your own fault :)

You do not have to cancel the job to bank your cash. You don't really "travel" to the job. Your character(the yellow dot)" leaps" from town to the job. So you can still use the bank, shop at the store etc. until the alloted travel time is up. At least that is the way it works for me!