Croatia needs you


Hello all you croatians looking for a town, contact me if you're interested...


you don't have to be a high level, just dedicated to your town and donate regulary...
we're currently not looking for some specific class, just active croatian players...


Zašto ne pišeš na Hrvatskom ako tražiš samo Hrvatske igrače? :D


because (zato) it's not allowed (sta je zabranjeno) to write in any other language than english (pisat u bilo kojem drugom jeziku osim engleskog)... wanna join us?


Rado, ali već sam su-osnivaš drugog grada :(
Gladly but am co-founder of another town :(

I apologize for not writing in English the other post


šteta, ja se već ponado, heh...
too bad, I already got my hopes up, lol...


Town Name: Croatia

Town Rank: 1648

Town Points: 666 currently, don't worry, we're not gonna eat you

What positions are open: Not specified, but a builder would do fine

Number of Open Positions: 3

Town Descriptions: we've just started to build it so our current aim is to build it up so we can do everything (sleep, sell stuff, etc.) at our own town

Where to contact: you can use this thread, or you can write me a personal message on the forum or you can send me a telegram in the game


i think that's not gonna happen, we need to build up our town some more, so maybe you'll be hearing from us later on...
good luck!


number of open positions: 6... we don't have any special request about players class just croatian players who don't already have a town... oh, and our ranking has changed to 1045


you dont have to be croatian you just need to understand the language because it is the language we are writing our town forum in...


number of open positions: 5
town points: 1457
positions required: worker


number of open positions: 4
town points: 1530 currently
positions required: worker


number of open positions: 4
town points: 1891
positions required: worker


number of open positions: 3
town points: 2158
positions required: worker