Underpopulation or too many towns?


I started playing 3 weeks ago (world 4). I went west "to the end of the world" and started a town. My plan was to build a hotel quickly, I thought $200-$300, maximum $500 will be enough.
Even if the formula for construction points can be found in the forums, there is no ingame 'hint' of how much town buildings cost. Many people think like me: if a town is $300, how much can a hotel cost?
The problem isn't "too many towns" or "too few people", is that newbies don't know the costs involved in building a town, spend $300 to build, and another $60-$240 to find out the real costs. They realize that their strategy is broken, and now they're poor. Their appetite for the game decreases.
I made alliance with a neighbor. He left his town and came to mine. Less than a day later, someone claimed the ghost town (it was 512 points worth). That town still has a population of 1, eight days later (value: 546 points).

I thought how to solve this problem. Maybe a warning on the "build town" page -- but many people think they know better, and still try to build.
The ability to leave town within 72 hours (or 7 days), money back guaranteed (town disappears), will cut down the number of population 1 towns, but I don't think this will be implemented.


Even if you half the locations of towns and total towns

You will still only have 6 per town, not to mention that about 50+ towns will have much much more then that, which will reduce the smaller towns even further


The cost of town should change as the world qrows older. It should cost 300 in the beginning and the the cost should grow every week or so.


The cost of town should change as the world qrows older. It should cost 300 in the beginning and the the cost should grow every week or so.

no better way to say
"screw you new players"


I'll work on a proposal to make the seeing of town founding icons a series of quests if enough of you think it's a good idea but I've founded on 5 worlds and I'm only a builder on one of them I do not think a bonus to construction is the right bonus.. I think some other bonus is right.. maybe "the mayors sash" a nothing item you can wear in your no gear slot! or the mayors walking stick a LOW end weapon(mele) +5 leadership 1-10 damage


I think you are on to a great idea for the founding quests. A tutuorial/quest line would be fun, and informative.

It would have to be set so that you don't HAVE to found a town at the end of it, when you realise just how difficult it is going to be.


:mad: if there would be a founding quest i think it will need:

-atleast 2 member
-5 wood
-1000 $

what else...


I think towns should have a 30 person cap TBH.

50 people seems alittle too much.


I don't think having to have two members for the founding quest is fair.


I don't think having to have two members for the founding quest is fair.

thanks for the support^^ i just thought if there are two people founding a town..it will not one man town anymore^^ -is there a quest for nails only hammer? i think it will be needed in founding a town


I think the solution is to give these single member towns (e.g. towns with only the founder) the option of being able to convert into a ranch or farm.

Now, this is how a town would be converted into a ranch or a farm (depending on the player’s choice).

The original buildings that you get (the original $300 worth) would convert as follows:

Town Hall = a Mexican, ranch style house OR a farmhouse (both at lvl. 1)
Bank = cellar (a place to store money; however, possibly your stash could be stolen if your ranch/farm is raided by bandits) (lvl. 1)
Post Office = a cattle barn (ranch style) OR silos (for a farm) (both at lvl.1)
Saloon = a well (lvl. 1)
Random Buildings = out houses, etc.

If a town has upgraded buildings, these upgrades would convert into buildings on the ranch or farm as follows:

Town Hall (lvl. 2) = Every upgrade on the town hall would convert into an upgrade on the house.
Bank (lvl. 2) = Every upgrade on the bank would convert into an upgrade on the cellar (an upgraded cellar would be less likely to be raided on account of stronger locks, doors, etc.
General Store (lvl. 1) = The building of a general store would convert into a sheep barn (for a ranch) OR a wheat field (for a farm) (both at lvl. 1) (every subsequent upgrade on the general store would convert into an upgrade on the sheep barn or wheat field)
Gunsmith (lvl. 1, 2. 3. etc.) = (for a ranch) a donkey (lvl. 1), or a pony (lvl. 2), or a mustang (lvl.3), or a horse (lvl. etc) corral – in such a corral you would have to buy two animals and if you keep their health meter up the animals will reproduce OR (for a farm) a corn field (every subsequent upgrade on the gunsmith would convert into an upgrade for the corn field)
Tailor (lvl. 1) = every level of your tailor would convert into an upgrade for the cattle barn OR (for a farm) a cotton field (every subsequent upgrade on the tailor would convert into an upgrade for the cotton field)
Hotel (lvl. 1) = The building of a hotel (and every subsequent level) would convert into an upgrade on the well (e.g. the well would now have a windmill to pump water to the barns or fields). An upgraded well would increase the health of your herds or crops (depending on whether you have a ranch or a farm).
Morbituary = The building of a morbituary would convert into a slaughter house for a ranch OR a chicken coop (or possibly turkey) for a farm.

So, a ranch could have the following buildings:
Ranch House
Corral (donkey, mustang, or horse etc. depending on level)
Cattle Barn
Sheep Barn
Slaughter House

And, a farm would have the following buildings:
Wheat Field
Corn Field
Cotton Field
Chicken Coop (or, possibly, Turkey)

Now let me explain the functions of the ranch/farm buildings:
The ranch house/ farmhouse would serve the same function as, and operate exactly like, a hotel.

The cellar would serve the same function as a bank; however, the money can’t be withdrawn to make purchases like as can be done with a bank. If your money is in the cellar and you want to make a purchase, you’re gonna haft to go “back to at ranch” to get it. (This gives the aspect of being a town member an edge in the game; but it also makes good sense – if your money is down in the cellar, there ain’t nobody who can withdraw it but you!)

The corral is the place were you can raise beasts of burden. At level one you can buy donkeys. At level two you can buy ponies. At level three you can buy mustangs. At level four . . . well, you get the point. What you will do is buy two or more of each animal (the more you buy the greater your “luck” at getting the animals to reproduce). This “luck” would be indicated by a “love” bar.

Each corral/ livestock barn/ chicken coop/ crop field would have a health bar. This health bar would serve the same function a “luck” bar does. If the health bar is high at the end of the growing season, your harvest will be large. If not, then you will get a small harvest. For the corral, good health means more colts and fillies. You can increase the health bars by upgrading the well or spending time working in the fields/ chicken coop/ barns/ corral.

The wheat/ corn/ cotton fields would all work in the same way. You would buy seed at the beginning of the growing season; work in the fields to keep up the plant health; and finally, at the end of the growing season the harvest would be placed in your silos. In the silos you could sell the wheat, corn, or cotton in the same way you do in your inventory – however, in the silos you would be dealing with much greater amounts of produce.

The chicken coop would work like the corral. However, when you work in the chicken coop you would leave with eggs. The quantity of eggs would be determined by the health meter of the chicken coop. The chickens would also reproduce, and when there are too many chickens you could sell some.

All of the barns/ chicken coops/ corrals would function like a store in the game. All animals would be listed, and you would have the option of buying more or selling some.

The well would give a permanent health increase to all livestock and fields, and each subsequent upgrade would increase the health a little more.

In the sheep barn there would be the special job of shearing sheep, the product of which, obviously, would be wool. Sheep, like cattle, could also be slaughtered in the slaughter house and sold as steaks. Cattle would produce a large amount of steaks and sheep a smaller amount.


then we will no longer work for the quest... just building towns...


That's just a whole new single player game, that cuts people off from the main game