Daily Gospel

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:)Good day. I am not a preaacher, nor a teacher. I just simply want to share. Inasmuch that I could, I'll try to post the daily Gospel here for those who would appreciate it.
:unsure:For those who would not like or approve of it, please be kind enough to just leave it be, and simply don't post anything offensive or whatever may start an unwanted discussion/debate.

Thank you.

lord3angle (World 3), Maharlika (World 4):indian:

Ed Rock <erock@rbc.org>to
"lord3angle ." <lord3angle@gmail.com>
Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 9:52 PMsubject
RE: Apology and permissionmailed-by
hide details 9:52 PM (6 hours ago)

Dear Nelson,

Thank you so much for contacting us. The moderator is right. All of our content is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form, electronic or print, without permission.

After visiting your site, what you are doing by only using the thought for the day from our devotional is fine. I am happy to grant you permission to use it as you currently are. Please understand that you may not use the entire devotional or post that on your site. But using the one sentence thought for the day is OK.

Thank you again for your integrity in contacting us.

Ed Rock
Rights and Permissions Manager
RBC Ministries
616-957-5741 fax
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13th OF DECEMBER, 2008

Gospel for today:
Matthew 17:9a, 10-13 THE COMING OF ELIJAH
Food for thought:
“The motive of giving reveals the character of the giver more than the gift itself.”



Thank you for all those who appreciate..

14th OF DECEMBER, 2008

Gospel for today:

Food for thought:
“For the Christian, testing cannot be separated from trusting.”

- And everyone who believes in Jesus Christ is a Christian..no matter what sect..:indian:



It's quite hard NOT to believe in Jesus Christ, considering how much evidence supports the fact that he did exist.

It is whether you believe he was the son of God, and really did all those miracles, that decides whether you are a Christian.

"As long as a person lives their lives well, they will be rewarded in their next life. It does not matter whether they decided not to work on a sunday, whether they revered cattle as sacred, whether they believed in one God or many Gods. It is their deeds, not their beliefs, which will be repaid in their next life."
- Part of my independent, reincarnationist philosophy of life.


Evidence that Christianity is real:

-The man has 13 ribes in total. He has 6 in one side and 7 in the other. In the creation of Eve, god took 1 rib out of adam to create here. This evidence is anatomically correct and supports this. Remember when this was wrote anatomy wasnt widely practiced.

-Roman accounts from both emperors and Historians, have evidence explaining the execution of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. As well as Jewish accounts say he was real. Muslim accounts also say he was real and that he was a profit and great hebrew rabii.

-Last Emperor Constantine was in battle against barbarians in 330? BC. He recieved a dream stating that "Put signs of crosses on your shields and victory shall be yours". He did so and won the battle. He then saw a flaming cross in the sky in the eve of battle, knowing this as a sign of Christendom, he incorporated christianity in the Roman empire.


Evidence that Christianity is real:

-The man has 13 ribes in total. He has 6 in one side and 7 in the other. In the creation of Eve, god took 1 rib out of adam to create here. This evidence is anatomically correct and supports this. Remember when this was wrote anatomy wasnt widely practiced.

-Roman accounts from both emperors and Historians, have evidence explaining the execution of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem. As well as Jewish accounts say he was real. Muslim accounts also say he was real and that he was a profit and great hebrew rabii.

-Last Emperor Constantine was in battle against barbarians in 330? BC. He recieved a dream stating that "Put signs of crosses on your shields and victory shall be yours". He did so and won the battle. He then saw a flaming cross in the sky in the eve of battle, knowing this as a sign of Christendom, he incorporated christianity in the Roman empire.

Your first piece of evidence isn't true I think...
Edit: I looked it up and now I know it isn't true.


First of all - Christianity is real. Everyone in the world agrees with that. Whether Christianity is TRUE is much more debatable.

Men and women both have the same amount of ribs, and it is 24, not 13.

Jesus Christ almost definitely existed, unless all the historians of that era got together and decided to make him up to trick the people of today. As I said before - it is debatable whether he really was the son of God and did miracles.

Emperor Constantine could well have made all that up just to please the Christians in his empire who were on the verge of rioting. A cross can also represent a lot of things, not just the crucifix which Jesus was supposedly killed on.


Did you know that Jesus christ first was a member of another cult, but when the leader of that cult died. He began his own cult with most of the members of the previous cult.


Each opinion and view is respected. As each is given the gift of free will to choose which to think and believe. Then again each is still considered as a brother, or sister to me..

With that said..

15th OF DECEMBER, 2008
Gospel for today:
Food for thought:
“We can go a lot further together than we can go alone.”


This thread is bull. I am a nithilist and this is the truth!

There is a God. Actually godS. Satan is a god too to balance out good and evil. There is one place we will go. The difference is, that place we go to either gives you pain or reward. These gods can DIE and they can produce offspring. With there powers, many things have been made in good and evil. THIS is the truth. I don't want to hear crap because your too hard headed. This is what I believe and I don't need people to believe me or people that will follow me. I want you to know what I believe in.


Okay. But why automatically assume that everyone is going to disagree with you? Do you need to take on such a tone so quickly to defend your beliefs? Isn't that the exact opposite of proudly declaring your choice, and instead fearing it might be wrong by what others would tell you?

Hey, I'm a nihilist, too, but you don't see me spouting off nonsense in an angry fashion and misspelling every other word. I thought that was supposed to be the Atheist's stereotype, anyway. This is just a fun thread for biblical quotes, why so serious?
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Each opinion and view is respected. As each is given the gift of free will to choose which to think and believe. Then again each is still considered as a brother, or sister to me..

With that said..

15th OF DECEMBER, 2008
Gospel for today:
Food for thought:
“We can go a lot further together than we can go alone.”



What ever beliefs we have, my dear brethren, is a product of our choices, thereby brought by the free will we have been bestowed with. I agree with you that there are gods..as in the first commandment:

Thou shall have no other gods before Me. - He only asked no one comes before Him, not negating the others.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your belief/s dear brethren..and I appreciate you dropping by.

And so it is said, everyone is entitled to hear about the Good News..it relies in the choice of each one whether to accept, or to reject. As for either choice, each one of us is special enough that the Lord watches over each and everyone of us.




Discussing religion is probably one of the most pointless things ever, because nobody is going to read a post and go 'hang on, you are right, let me change my whole belief system'. You are never going to agree on things.


Discussing religion is probably one of the most pointless things ever, because nobody is going to read a post and go 'hang on, you are right, let me change my whole belief system'. You are never going to agree on things.

That does make it a good thing to kill time.
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