color coding towns with hotels in minimap


In the minimap at present, other towns are colored red and your town is colored blue.

What if other towns with hotels were colored green so you wouldn't have to click on each town to find one with a hotel?


Well, alot of towns have a hotel at around 600 points so its pretty much useless. However, if we color coded POINTS so you know which towns are weak and which towns are strong, that would be useful.


Well, alot of towns have a hotel at around 600 points so its pretty much useless. However, if we color coded POINTS so you know which towns are weak and which towns are strong, that would be useful.

very good idea!:D it would be wonderfull if maby 1 color per town size upgrade would work better? :confused:


towns should look slightly different on the world map according to what the graphic level is. ie 4000 point towns should change etc


towns should look slightly different on the world map according to what the graphic level is. ie 4000 point towns should change etc

They do ,the more points a town has the larger it is


yeah i have seen higher points towns have more buildings on the map!


I don't think colour coding is the way to go, but a filter system tick box on the side of the map would help.

There would be a list of all the buildings, each with a tick box. At the side of each building is a drop down box with the list of level numbers.

If you want say, a town with a Store at level 5 and a hotel at level 3, you can tick 'Store' and 'Hotel' on the list, then choose each level on the drop down bars.

Then, the map will only show towns that have those buildings with those levels or higher.

The filter menu would be 'hidable' so you didn't have to use or even see it if you didn't want to.


monkey you hitting all the threads ehh Lol.

again I think the filter is a great idea.


wuden, yeah I put my idea in two threads, but it was relevent to both threads, seeing as they are both about the map views :)