SPARTA - in the West no matter what will be the best!


I am wondering if I can join the town. I am new to this game but I am currently a lvl 8 and growing fast. I know the basics of the game but do not know what the different types of builds or how to make them. I believe I can bring a lot to the town because I have not commited to anything yet so I can be used for whatever the town needs.
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it is good to have models to look up to in life and in everything you do. The "300" movie is all about leadership, strength and honor and the characters make good models to follow on.

So let's see kicking a prophet down a well is considered strength and honor? And you demonstrate these qualities in your everyday life? I am surprised you are not jailed yet, man. Let's face it, you are a tad (a few thousand years) too late for following up on THAT guy.


Actually, that guy deserved being thrown down the well...)))

Many people deserve to die, that don't. Yet even more people died who didn't deserve to die. Can you bring the ones that didn't deserve death back to life? You can't. Then don't give yourself power to take life from those who in your eyes deserve death.


I will tell you why. Because it is good to have models to look up to in life and in everything you do. The "300" movie is all about leadership, strength and honor and the characters make good models to follow on.

erm... sorry.. can't resist since i'm a classics major (and this has nothing whatsoever to do with the game...) the movie 300 was...erm... to say the least, a VERY *******ized version of Sparta and Persia and the battle of Thermopylae... well... the actual battle was good in the fact that it showed the Hoplite formation very well...

but other than that, i sort of have to point out that the decision to send out troops to Termopylae was made by the joint Greek-states (well, mostly the sountern and Peloponnesian Greeks) at Korinth. They also knew it was a suicide mission, that's true enough... there were more than Spartans there in the battle though, there were the Thebans, Tegeans, Thespians, Phocians to name a few... a total of around 7000 troops :D

...... it seems like i went a little over board with the history again..sorry... i just can't resist ^^;;

I have to agree thought that sparta makes a good example of a militaristic state and probably one of the states with the best political administration despite the fact that it could be considered as a monarchy... (well, there were 2 kings but still)

.... there i go again...ok, i'll shut up.. i just can't stop once i start with classical history ^^;; sorry
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