Smoky Mountain now recruiting


Hi All, We currently have 4 positions open at the moment and are looking for all classes. This is a town that is quickly on the rise so positions are limited.

At the moment, we can offer the following:

the mortician ( so you can duel others)
Bank (level 2)
Hotel (level 2)
general store ( level 2)
gunsmith ( soon to be level 3)
Tailor (level 1)

and of course a church, for those of you that need forgiveness.

if you are stuck on a quest or any of the gameplay, advice is at hand.

For an invite contact myself or proton1 in the game or post below.



EDIT: only two places left
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we now have 2 places available and we are looking for people that are active and will assist in the building of the town. contact me in the game if interested