Tombstone 2 looking for new residents


Hi guys - I'm trying to recruit new residents to Tombstone 2 - I've managed to build the town up so far on my own with all of the buildings at least level 1 including a hotel.

If you'd like to join I have room for another 9 residents - telegram me in the game if you'd like to join me.

I'm looking for people who are frequent visitors and are prepared to contribute financially to the development of the town.

All character classes and levels welcome!


I forgot to say - that should have read guys and girls!

I'm keen to invite both sexes to join the town so do get in touch.


Send me a pm in game if you'd like to join the town.

So far I have all of the buildings including a hotel at least level 1 but slowly expanding - as quickly as I can on my own!

The more the merrier - all levels will be considered as long as you're prepared to contribute to the town's expansion.


I see there have been a number of views but still no-one's come forward to join the town :sad:

Don't be shy - I've done all the hard work so far with shops to buy stuff, a hotel and a mortician already!

Room at the moment for another 9 residents - all levels most welcome - just pm me here or say hello in-game!


Tombstone 2 now has 4 residents but we're still looking for more players to join the town and help expand it - so far the town has:

Town Hall - level 3
Residences - level 2
Bank - level 2
Hotel - level 1 (but shortly to reach level 2)
Gunsmith - level 1
Tailor - level 4
General Store - level 4
Mortician - level 1

Current residents are 1 adventurer, 1 worker, 1 dueler and a greenhorn character - all levels and classes welcome!
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