Town Leadership. Can't find a real answer, so am asking here.


Hey there,

The leader of my town either quit or was inactive for too long and is no longer a member of the town. I am a Town's Councilor and the other two members are just citizen's.

My question is. Will I become the "Town's Founder" now so that I can hold control of the town / rename the town etc... Or will the town never have a Founder rank again until it becomes a ghost town and someone takes it over?

I've already invested almost $800 into the town treasury and am not to keen on leaving the town or my construction time behind. And at the same time. I don't want to invest anymore into the town until I find out the answer to my question.

Thanks in advance!


I think its just easier to have everyone leave the town and then re-found it for 300$ and 80 energy.

You could try getting some help from the support staff ... but that might take awhile.


well i agree with whistlingleaf, tell everyone that you should all disband then someone (you?) will refound it. after that everyone can rejoin!


I'm toying with that idea right now. But Am not to keen on spending the $300 just to rejoin a town I am already a member of.

Thanks for the feedback!

I just hope a support staff member comes around with an answer or bumps me up to Founder before I manage to reach $300 lol.