want some money ?


hello guys im very much addicted to the game .so i decided to quit it so
i sold all my items in a town and i got some money

my main aim of this post is if admin reads this immediately delete my acc's .

else if i am able to access my acc still then
if anyone want some money into their town i can drop my money nearly around 10k in their bank

world 8 - 9049 $ acc name aditya88
world 9 - 6103 $ acc name nihar88

i you want the money just post your name and town name here .
preference will be given to developing towns :indian:


Captain Brackettbird
Moose Lodge
World 8.

We're usually having financial troubles even if we are kinda big.


Delta Hotel

belligerence in World 8 and due to only starting the town yesterday I have not got alot

thanks for reading ;)
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I'm sure it's far to late to ask, but we've established a new vill that could use some help to develop: W8 Assamalla

With a few $$$ I would gladly build myself into unconciousness...


Hi, my name is wert718. My town is Flagstone. Thank you if you can donate!


Would greatly appreciate it if you could share some of that with our growing town.... Blazin II:)


Sure.....Cluj in Yew....its a young new town void of life.


Jesus, my builders have already burned through like 7k :eek:hmy:


Yes please, started my own town Minehead City & still on my own. I will get there eventually..............:)


I am in need of some cash i just took over a ghost town Draconia It would be VERY Much Appreciated.