Add Donation Ranking


Good town residents donate their money to the treasury, and should be praised by people through the scoreboard.


Not that useful of a suggestion, but wouldn't be hard to incorporate as there are already lists of highest-whatevers (highest skill, top duelers, etc).

But there's the issue of privacy, which I think voids this suggestion. I think more people would object to having their total donations ever broadcast for everyone to see. There is no purpose to keep it secret that I can think of at the moment, but I know I would be one of those people who would object to the privacy intrusion. :p

I think it'd get more opposition than approval so I don't see this becoming a serious possibility.


I'm all for it. I don't see any problems with it, and it would be nice to see who has donated the most/worked the most hours etc.


I wonder ? Would it just become a target listing for "duelers" .
"This dude gives a $1000 a day . He's gotta have cash on him!" , type of thing .
I know having lists and stats are a big thing to a lot of people ,but I'm not sure about this .
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Could it be optional then? In your settings, you can choose not to have this information collated into the rankings. If not, then it is automatically collected.


I'm indifferent towards it , but being able to opt out would make it more palatable .


A rational dueller would tend to target those who didn't donate


Personally I target some on random, some by keeping track of their working and sleeping habits, and this leaderboard would give me another data factor to estimate target value.


Ulthor , after some of the discussions that have occurred on this forum, Do You expect Me to believe this game is populated by "rational" individuals ?


because elie just spilt cheez whiz on the motherboard.... yuck.


But then duellers would only be attacking duellers, then people would complain and we'd have 'War of the Duellers'

Now THATS entertainment! Hello Im Jerry Springer and todays theme is my Dueler's been cheating with another town.


How would it create a mess?

First of all most of the people wouldn't want to show their stats in this area. And then the dullers could pick easier targets. And then all the workers would start whining about it. I agree in putting up a ranking that shows construction hours, but not donations.


I asked for it to be a voluntary ranking, so you can choose to be in it or not.