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I am not in the XP.

Ah, sorry. That was my mistake. :laugh:

I don't think it's going too far. You don't feel the least bit betrayed, having helped the people in XP only to have them leave your alliance when they didn't need you anymore?


Look on the bright side.
If you want, they're available dueling targets now.


Ah, sorry. That was my mistake. :laugh:

I don't think it's going too far. You don't feel the least bit betrayed, having helped the people in XP only to have them leave your alliance when they didn't need you anymore?

did you ever think that maybe the people in XP helped others out, but never received any in return?

every speculative idea that you can come up with to put XP into a negative light, the same thought can be used to put them into a good light...

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