

So here is our dealing with him at Bear Alamo Ranch (sorry so long)...

He was an Adventurer in our town and was attacked by waxdamuff from -FoM- Ganja Town. I believe it widely known you can attack anyone and for the most part Workers are safe. Getting attacked is part of the game and I don't seek revenge. Our town rules however say that you will not attack workers and if you are attacked and want help...some of us will attack back for you. Well mos1980 took it upon himself to seek revenge with no help, but he did so by attacking workers to take their money so he could jockey around skill points. Waxdamuff attacked me on revenge for his workers being attacked. I had no problem with that and was not going to retaliate (especially since I beat him). Wax then messaged me and explained everything. We decided an Alliance should smooth over the waters. I posted the Alliance on our Town Intro and on our Forum. mos1980 took it upon himself to attack wax again after the Alliance was set. I messaged mos1980 to stop and that wax would let it go. He continued to attack workers from Dark Insanity and Kingslinger contacted me. I then forwarded everything to our founder Annabelle Bear. She told mos1980 to follow the rules or leave the town. mos1980 left the town after giving Annabelle some choice words and saying he would attack her and keep knocking her out every 48 hours. He started his own town and was able to get back to our town to knock out a few of our lower folks (Annabelle survived). Of course myself, waxdamuff, Kingslinger, Bill Bear and a few others attacked him till he was knocked out (sucker would sleep a lot for some reason) :rolleyes: Mos1980 left his town and took everything off for awhile, but is dressed again and out and about. I just warn any town that he may want to join that he attacks workers and may cause you trouble...

Toto Alamo - Bear Alamo Ranch


There always seems to be one or two in every town that plays by that kind of rule.:blink:

Thanks for the heads up.:)