City o' Gloom is Recruiting


THE CITY O GLOOM is Recruiting!! -- Currently at 31,700 points!


Population: 8 -
We currently have 17 openings.

We are the sister town of Gomorra and are looking for more members to expand our growing family of towns. We have all the same alliances and trade agreements as Gomorra.

Allied with: Dead Can Dance Empire, Ball State Brothel, Ball State Corral, Serenity Valley, Persephone and Beaver Falls.

Our town members have access to the following buildings in town:

Stores - Store contents
Tailor - Level 10 **Maximum building level**
General store - Level 10 **Maximum building level**
Gunsmith - Level 12

Bank - Level 10 **Maximum building level. Keep up to $12,000 safe from mishaps**
Hotel - Level 5 **Maximum building level. +100 energy, +460 health**

To be eligible for enrollment you must pay $300 entry donation.
All character classes accepted

Please contact me for any questions or an invite.

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Hey Zehava, i'm Bobmagrob co-founder of bobs tavern.
I'd like to arrange a diplomacy between our good and growing towns, we are in the same region. :)


Updated a lot of buildings. Going to max out the tailor today/tomorrow as well.


I haven't updated this in a while. New image for Gunsmith - Lvl 12