P&P Eyebite = funny lil smack talker


EyeBite On 3/13/10 at 4:31 AM
remove him from your town or we go to war he just stole a bunch so if hes not gone we farm you guys for money and hes a much higher level then me so there was no need to attack

EyeBite On 3/13/10 at 4:53 AM
im from the town of nowhere if your wondering i just left so that moron couldent attack me again because i have alot of money that i wouldent want stolen and im sure you guys dont want your stolen thats why i havent attacked you guys but since you condone in attacking close towns im sure ill get right on that unless hes gone

Zaknifane On 3/13/10 at 3:43 PM
who are you talking about? and how did he still money from you?

Zaknifane On 3/13/10 at 5:24 PM
Our restrictions to dueling extends to a ban on "workers" you are a soldier therefore are open to anyone the game will allow to duel.

I would recommend putting your money into the bank so it cannot be "stolen", we all get attacked, there are even some low enough to attack simple workers, its part of the game.

EyeBite On 3/13/10 at 9:05 PM
fine then well since hes much higher then me were at war because you condone of fighting much lower levels. good job prepare to get farmed by a much bigger town

Zaknifane On 3/15/10 at 2:28 PM
I condone what the game allows a player to do, if you didn't want to be attacked you should have been a worker.

EyeBite On 3/15/10 at 6:53 PM
or maybe he should have grown some balls and attacked people of similar levels but now hes banned as well as your other people. so ha

Zaknifane On 3/15/10 at 8:21 PM
you do talk a lot, why don't you play the game and move on.

EyeBite On 3/15/10 at 8:53 PM
well talking is a part of the game thats why they added this message system.. duuur your a genious....

Zaknifane On 3/15/10 at 10:15 PM
This coming from the guy complaining about the game allowing someone to duel him.


EyeBite On 3/16/10 at 12:33 AM
yeah a game that allows some moron whos 10 lvls higher to duel me because i have dueled a few people... yeah really good logic you got there moron stfu

Zaknifane On 3/16/10 at 2:40 PM
my logic simply stated that the game allows it.

as for my mental capacity, you really should learn to control you anger, i mean its just a game. grow up

EyeBite On 3/16/10 at 5:31 PM
nah ill do as a please with in the lines of the game and that would be piss people off because i cant stand ignorant people that back up ignorant people. and especially ignorant people that back up there ignorant town people. so eat it tool

Zaknifane On 3/16/10 at 6:47 PM
Claiming ignorance and being ignorant are two entirely different things. to be ignorant is to be unaware of something, . what you don't know won't hurt you type of thing.

To claim someone is ignorant without proper research and knowledge of the individual is in itself ignorant of the person and the situation.

A tool is one who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used. I on the other hand understand what i do, and do it knowing full well the usages and outcome of the situation.

A person who refuses to evolve and mature is doomed to a life of stupidity and abuse by others willing to better themselves.

EyeBite On 3/16/10 at 11:32 PM

wow you can use dictionary.com feel proud. yet there is more then 1 definition for each of those. feel proud once again because your ignorant to the truth. you back up some one who fights people much lower levels and thinks there strong. yet fighting some one of a much lower level and thinking your big means your ignorant. and anyone who backs that person up is ignorant for allowing them to do such things. so go use your dictionary.com and check moron I'm sure you'll find pictures and your life long story right next to it. tool

Zaknifane Today at 2:36 PM
nope didn't look it up, I am just and educated man. The things you would learn if you stayed in school.

technically someone who picks on those lower than them are not ignorant they are a thug. and could within some limits be considered spineless. Ignorance, as stated before, is not being aware or informed, a bully or thug understands that he/she is picking on the weak in an effort to feel more powerful.

The problem with your argument is your lack of understanding or ignorance in the words you are typing, its best to agree that I didn't pick on you, yet I have received your "wrath", I doesn't bother me I put up with the uneducated daily, but in any case, I have notified my alliance of your lack of composure on this topic.

have a good day.

EyeBite Today at 9:16 PM
oh yes your so smart that's why you use your ignorant statements and thinking your better then some one... were both playing the same game. the different between us is your ignorant. like iv said before there is MORE THEN 1 DEFINITION FOR EACH WORD. now get your ignorant head out of your arse. you may be this thing called "educated" but yet I'm positive you would get punched in the face by anyone you tried lipping off with the attitude you are using now... so once again you are ignorant and just because you speak in paragraphs doesn't make you smart just means your an anal loser who intends on thinking your better then everyone that could care less on a game...your pathetic

Zaknifane Today at 9:38 PM
Taking your suggestion I looked up Ignorance on Merriam-Webster.com here is the definitions you were speaking of.

Main Entry: ig·no·rance
: the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness

Main Entry: Tool
1 a : a hand held device that aids in accomplishing a task
b (1) : the cutting or shaping part in a machine or machine tool (2) : a machine for shaping metal : machine tool
2 a : something (as an instrument or apparatus) used in performing an operation or necessary in the practice of a vocation or profession
b : an element of a computer program (as a graphics application) that activates and controls a particular function
c : a means to an end
d often vulgar
3 : one that is used or manipulated by another
4 plural : natural ability

If you need help with you school work, let me know, I'm here to help.

The ability to write in paragraph form simply means my thoughts are well defined, not arrogant. A word of advice, watch what you say, if you type something derogatory or inflammatory you could be banned as well. make sure you don't swear, it is unladylike.

In closing I don't care about the games and I don't think I'm better then everyone else, I just know I'm better than you.


My God, you had so much patience. I block them quick, don't have any time for complainers like this. Block and duel, ko every 48h, that's what he deserves.
He should be glad he doesn't play in the same world as I do.



"i r mad at u cuz i got dueled. i am a dueler and i duel, but i dun wanna be dueled!"


Had to laugh at this. If it's 7, ill camp them with a pure shooter, just because I can. Maybe they wont like 300's hit on people way lower than me.


I don't think I'm better then everyone else, I just know I'm better than you.

LMAO Love it!!

World 11 folks


i think there is more broken than just his keyboard..
how hard can it be, understanding the definition of a word?

I just love the way how he says there are more definitions, but never really gives the one he means


I went ahead and tracked y'all down to figure out what world to move this to. I left it, because it was amusing and didn't get out of control, but it really belongs in the world boards.


who else was dissapointed when they found out he was only level 18 and way out of their dueling range :'(