P&P First Fort Battle


WOOOH i got koed in like the 6th round. Put my character in the wrong place and he got beeeatteennn down lol. Oh well we still won. CONGRATZ TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED, MOSTLY THE DEFENDERS BUT WATEVER WORKS>>


Sheesh that took ages!

And I'm still stuck in the fort battle and can't move :(


The server is still believing that there is an ongoing war..
When I go to check the war, I now get the message:-

"The attack on the fort has begun: Today at 7:19 PMFlash was initialized.

Begin connection to server ...

The connection has been accepted by the server.

The connection has been terminated by the server.

Flash reported an error: "Security error: Error #2048". Reloading the page may help."


Looks like some gay crash, at 50th round :sad: i bet no1 will get exp :eek:hmy:


I don't think the fort battles ever going to end at this rate.
Even though the players stoped fighting:dry:


Well Well .... a crash ! a lot of players with no exp there. Wont be much point holding another party if its the usual fort problems now will it ? :nowink:

You just can't get the staff these days :dry:


Ye every1 cared only about his butt, after we realized who is going to win xD

Fort battles only last for 50 rounds.

yeah but this one didnt happend x/


How do I get out of the fort now? Relogging has done nothing . . . any advice?


Is everyone still stuck in the fort battle round 51 anyone :laugh:


Gotcha', sounds good.

That was fun, glad to have taken a small part!


I'm watching the battle, and....

Round 50 has began, the next round begins in 268 seconds.

thats not right....


was so funny to see people that had the "MC" after their town name being defenders, failed big time hahaha . And the worse is, it wasnt only one, i counted at least 4 ! good job ! :laugh:


was so funny to see people that had the "MC" after their town name being defenders, failed big time hahaha . And the worse is, it wasnt only one, i counted at least 4 ! good job ! :laugh:
You mean they were noob enuff to choose the wrong side and fight against their own town/s?