fort fight positioning visualization


Well-Known Member

positioning in ff is a mess because either people don't move as ordered or they move haphazardly, bumping their fellow and dieing due to that. i made a post before tackling the issue and now i have a better idea to make movement more clear, helping everybody involved in the battle. highlight movement.

these are the principles:

a) when someone has setted a place for movement, his icon will get a background white glow highlighting he is to move.
b) when someone sets a place for movement, there will be a highlighted black border denoting someone is going there.
c) when you click on a highlighted player icon, his target location is highlighted aswell.
d) when you click on a targeted place, the name for the players aiming there is listed.

i don't know how hard it is to implement something like that, but here is a visual concept for it:

player movement highlight.png

first column, players setted at idle;
second column, moving players get a glowing border and marked slots are highlighted with a black border;
third column, clicking a player will get him a black border (or change his icon color as it is now) and his marked position is highlighted with a white glow;
fourth column, when you click the marked spot the player name is displayed and his icon is also highlighted with a black border (or color change);
fifth column, when many players stack in the same place a list with their name is displayed, along with their icons with a black border (or color change).

this would make SO EASY for people to know where to place their toons and for leaders to be aware on their troops movements. this way you could avoid bumping in a stacked place or moving alone to a danger area when you thought people were following. this will be a great addition to further increase battle maneuvers. currently, you have no idea if people are acting accordingly to the leader orders, so you can pick the best place every time being sure you are not getting trolled.

swaps could have a green glowing border. i have no idea how this would work when you pick a spot that is not immediately next to your site since i don't know how the game picks a place for you when you set a long travel.



New Member
I think everyone agrees that we need new features in battles, not only how they work, but also more variety, be it items, bonuses, nerfs/buffs for some equipment, even different maps would be things that could bring more variety, without Also talk about a visual upgrade, because, let's face it, it's very bad that this system has been the same for practically 10 years, and it sounds ridiculous to know that the only update since launch is the green arrow when it changes position, except with the new leavenworth set It is impossible to conquer any fort, as Thanos says, The Universe Needs Balance


Well-Known Member
update: i forgot to think about how this would be displayed when you move to a place someone else is.

marked spots gets the black border. highlighted players get their icon color changed instead. if you move to someones place, there will be a black border. if the player icon is highlighted, then he is to move somewhere else. if there is no glow, he is not moving and you will be bumped. when clicking a place marked for movement, the player icon has its color changed instead of the previous mentioned black outline.



iirc there is already a websocket that's used during a live fort battle, so architecturally speaking this should be possible? I can dream up a few ways to do this, but if inno wants a solution from me, they may pay me in nuggies. :dastardly:


Well-Known Member
this would make SO EASY for people to know where to place their toons and for leaders to be aware on their troops movements.

It simply does not work that way. There will be tons of people moving on your regular fort battle. On early rounds even more offline people and we cant call everyone with their name and issue special commands. Simply not enough time for it but i bet some people would love to get personal commands given you need to have someone ping them several times instead of directing attention for 20 minutes for a team effort.

Its all in all good idea on paper but knowing there also players who likes to go around with blinkers no care even for called spots. I doubt it will be any better.