Good vs Bad Guys


I keep seeing so many posts about the unwillingness of some players to be dueled and how it is not in their playing style.

I am not sure if this has been suggested before but what about this in view of town shootouts (to be implemented in a future update):

Towns after they reach a certain level of points - say 5,000 pts or perhaps even 10,000 pts can choose to select the kind of town they want to be:
1) Sheriffs (good guys)
2) Bandits (bad guys)

All the members in the good guy town will be get a bonus on defense skills (for eg hiding/dodging)

All the members in the bad guy town will get a bonus on offense skills
(for eg aim/shooting)

This will be able to cater to the different playing styles (offensive vs defensive).

As the groups win more shootouts or battles, their skill bonuses will increase in tandem with their victories.

And this can be further developed along parallel points....

Then bandits can go raid the sheriffs and the sheriffs can defend themselves and fight back.

Too much like a Western movie? :blushg: hehe...


it should be theo ther way round cos sherrifs get trained to shoot so bonus aim/shooting
for sherrifs

And hideing and dogging for the badits

Ever Watched Young Guns One and Two?
Westen Movie Good They Have to hide from the sheriffs because he's wanted.


It's an interesting concept, but what if some people in the town are good guys?

You can have workers and duellers in the same town, what happens then?


My rationale of suggesting that the good guys have more defensive skills is because there seems to be loads of "unwilling" duelers out there.... they are the ones who would appreciate the defensive skills.

Whereas towns on the offensive only want to have more aim, more shooting, knockout more players, more new guns in the gunsmith :p


Sdjx, trust me... the builders and adventurers in an offensive town will most likely have a similar mindset to the rest.... ;)

Else they can leave to join a good guy town :)


In order to gain something on this game you have to forego something else and deal with the frustration that entails. If you don't like being duelled you have to forego the advantages of being in a town.



And what exactly does the dueler forego? If I recall your reasoning from earlier posts, one strategy for dealing with the miscreants who prey on the workers was to belong to a town, providing the safe haven of a hotel, as well as a bank in which to safeguard your resources. All of that is well and good. What I dont see is what the highwayman gives up in that equation. You are obviously and quite blatantly set in your view, and thats fine, as long as the other guy sees it your way. The problem with that type of reasoning is that give and take shouldnt be the worker gives and the dueler takes, or a fifty fifty propostition shouldnt be half the time the worker gives in and the other half he gives up. Where is the parity there? Now that the greenhorn protection is gone, the table seems to be tilting even farther in the other direction from where Im sitting.


The dueller forgoes the character attribute advantages in the other classes. And, by choosing the skills that pertain most to duelling he puts himself at a great disadvantage in doing the better jobs, completing tasks and gaining experience to advance in levels.


Interesting idea !

I thought I'd point out that Reflex and Dodging are the Defensive skills !


Mr Leaf, it will now be very apparent to you that I am neither a dueler nor a soldier :laugh:

Thanks for pointing it out (I am s******ing at my own expense) :p


Good idea, but it basically is the same as it is now.

Aim cancels out Dodging (Aim increase chance to hit, Dodging decreases)
Shooting cancels out Reflex (Reflex is a defense against Shooting)

Then again, if this was implemented, then Duellers could still get around wit with using a melee weapon, to avoid the dodging, so they would actually have the upperhand with this update.

Also, dueller naturally duel more, and are usually better, so wouldn't thier bonuses rise quicker, thus making them more powerful?

(In response to the the more the town wins, the more its bonus increases)


Robbers very rarely had towns. They lived on teh run, or had hideouts. in many cases they could intimidate shopkeepers, but these folk were seldom loyal, they were just biding their time.

There were some robber barons - wealthy and evil - and still someone would show up to protect the little guy.

While I appreciate Poisenapple's idea, I'd hate to pigeon-hole people forcing them into offensive or defensive tactics. Anyway cowards would still attack the weak workers from the town and run from the fighting men. So it wouldn't address the underlying tension.


As for robbers rarely having towns, I seem to remember Wyatt Earp being accused of participating in some very dodgy actions, and he had a town... and some of the outright bandits (ie jessie james) were generally welcomed; because they had money, and liked to spend it.


It would have to be skills that relate to each other as in

Vigor/Shooting for Offensive towns
Reflex/Toughness for Defensive towns


It would have to be skills that relate to each other as in

Vigor/Shooting for Offensive towns
Reflex/Toughness for Defensive towns

I was waiting for you to correct me there Talamare ;)

Since you weren't online for me to consult when I originally posted ^_^

Altho I do wonder if Breth is right and that if the bad guys duel more, their bonuses would rise faster, making it not too fair in this case. Although time limits on dueling might probably take care of that.


Getting stronger as you level is purely part of an rpg
Grind = Power


Yes that is a part of an RPG, but wouldn't this make that rise to power much much quicker for the bad guys?