Invitation Fee


I suggest that the first time player join a town - its free for him. Other joining - for fee.


another thing this will slightly help are people who join towns just to buy an item then leave


I think rotating should be made difficult, but this is not the way to do it. This way punishes EVERYONE for a minority's trangressions. It's like the teacher making everyone stay behind because one kid was acting up.

Make it cost to join a town, but the money does not go to the town treasury - it goes nowhere (like the hotel money). This stops people joining and rejoining because it won't be cost effective. Like someone mentioned, make it rise everytime you join i.e:

1st town join - $10
2nd town join - $20
3rd town join - $40
4th town join - $80

etc etc.

Also like someone said, make it so there is more than 2 hours before being able to join a town. Make it two weeks, why not? Two weeks without a town won't kill anyone.


2 weeks is too much but i like your exponential joining fee thing.


Fair enough, but it should at least be a week. There has to be a deterrent to stop it happening.


I'm sick of people joining to get a damn donkey then not dropping another cent into the town.

I think the town should get 100% of the items sold.

As much as the 10$ per invite you'd just have to make sure the person you are rotating in has more then 10$ to deposit to be worth it.

Honestly I don't want the effort of dropping a member then inviting a member unless they are depositing over 120$.

I dunno I Do wish that rotation was eliminated but I also want to be able drop noncontributing members.

Thats Why I have a Policy that only the bottom 5 contributers are eligible for rotation.

any who


If the primary concern is about rotation, why not extend the length of time for rejoining the same town only rather than someone joining a new town and not worry about the cash aspect at all.

Recruiting isn't that easy to begin with. People ask for an invite or say yes if you ask them. So you send one straight away and they don't even bother to reject it. It would annoy me to be paying for that.


this is to fix rotation and joining a town to buy an item then leaving

ill admit i know how it feels about recruiting, but it can be made that if they reject the invite, the money is returned to you

but surely the game holding a small amount from you wont impair you too greatly


if you charge people to join your town they will just think no way i will just find a different town, so i think you shouldn't put a fee on joining a town.

Talk about a freeloader. HTH do you think that hotel you stay in and those shopes you use and the bank which keeps your money safe is Dumba&&


but surely the game holding a small amount from you wont impair you too greatly

No, it wouldn't impair me greatly. :).

I just think the financial approach to the 2 problems might not be the best one, particularly not if the cost is placed on the town. I understand that as a disincentive for rotation but I don't think you could make it significant enough to matter without making regular towns pay too high a price. As for the freeloaders, the town having to pay money obviously has no effect at all.

I think if they can code for longer waiting periods between rejoining the same town (or even setting a limit on how many times anyone can join the same town) that would have more effect on the rotation.

For the freeloaders who come in only to buy, maybe they could set a restriction that you have to be a member of a town for a few days before you can purchase at citizen prices. That way, the town would have time to see whether they are actually going to contribute and be able to boot them before they gain anything from it.


i like the thought but your idea is flawed. Everyone has the opportunity to preplan and rotate people in and out to donate cash. What i would like to see is the town able to set the price to join. Then the person joining town must pay this fee before becoming a member of the town. This would prevent those people that join towns promising to pay like 10% or whatever then buy their junk and leave without paying.


i like both your ideas Violette LeDrun:)

i agree 100% whit VL about the 24hour thing before you can buy anything in a town.
you whould just tell the person that he has X amount of time to give X amount of money or he will be kicked out.

if you are not able to kick a person out whitin 24 after he accept the invite you probly should let another person be a founder then
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Shadowice, I thought of forcing a fee to join too, but the problem with that is that town founders can abuse it, take all the players' money and then boot them. Which, from what I understand, is a problem that occurs already.

As for the first part - yes, everyone is free to rotate but there is a large group of players who think rotation is unfair. So it isn't a "flaw" in my suggestion. You simply disagree that rotation is a problem. Personally, I'm on the fence.