Recruiting For Sacremento (12417 points)(Rank 976)


Hello this I'm Nichejunkie and I am looking to expand my town and still have plenty of open spaces. I am looking for active players of any level and anyone who is good at building who can help me upgrade buildings.

The majority of the buildings are level 5 already and the shops are level 6 with the exception of the general store.

We currently have 9 members with room for 4 more players at present, however I am upgrading the residences ASAP to create more space for people to join.

There are also lots of good experience jobs in the surrounding area .. rith the best I have unlocked ranging from 42% exp.. to around 70%. Alliances have already been formed in the town with some of the neighbouring powers and there are plenty of good shopping locations nearby.

If you are interested please message me .. "Nichejunkie" on world 10 Banana Republic area. Thankyou...:indian: