Schofield's literature


Essay on Zombies cont.

1915, World War I was in order, and the Austrian Empire was at war with the rest of Europe. Countless soldiers were being killed, and another breakthrough had been made in the strain. In a test on a French Soldier, the 32nd modification to the strain killed him in five hours, and revived him in five minutes. The major breakthrough was that he was able to move. Scientists were astonished when the zombie reached for the lead scientists arm, attempting to bite him. Fortunately, for the doctor, the zombie was incredibly slow and far from being able to walk properly under its own power. Known as test subject 226, it was kept alive for eight days until it died of a brain infection, a kink in the virus strain had caused the injury.
The next breakthrough would take 26 more years to develop, and it would be under a new banner. The third Reich, after entering WWII, discovered the next advancement on the virus under supervision of Hauptsturmführer Mengele. With a countless supply of victims to test the virus on, the next major change gave zombies greater immunity and adrenal boosts, giving it a strong boost in strength and making it less likely to develop infections from other organisms, and making the virus unable to kill the zombie. Though never field-tested, the zombie proved dangerous enough to keep secluded in reinforced rooms. Its mobility and strength were reminiscent of Frankenstein, dubbing the first successful test subject 997 the nickname Frankenstein.
In 1949, Mengele fled to South America, leaving all research he had done behind. The Russians were the next to pick up the chapter. From 1952 on to 1983, top Russian anatomists, biologists, and other scientists contributing to improving the zombie super soldier. The first major change came in 1959, where at a peak in Russian ingenuity under Nikita Khrushchev sparked a supreme rivalry with the United States, Russia’s arch nemesis, and attempts at multiple super soldier brands were tested. The only successful tests were those done with the Zombie virus, of which became the most well funded and researched biological weapon to be used by the Russians. By the 2738th test subject, in 1965, the zombies had become much more deadly and efficient, their bodies were now changing to naturally efficient devices of which could take more nutrients in from food. Though amazingly successful, the zombies were brought to near-illogical stupidity and could suffocate by not breathing. Another side effect was that they were becoming sterile, mainly due to the fact that the body was being designed to break down after a while, giving a living corpse effect. Realizing that Americans being more sophisticated in thought than bias could contend with, Russians knew they could wait it out. Therefore, new tests were done, and the revival pace quickened and the unnecessary body cell death was worked out, instead it was aided by the virus as well, helping to keep the cells well nourished with extra enzymes produced by hemoglobin that had been infected by the virus. It was becoming more AIDS like, able to spread through spit and blood, only in reverse for the effects. Knowing that potential body surgery on the zombies would become risky, Soviet scientists worked out the blood transferable effects, limiting the virus to spread only though the saliva glands, and only to spread to humans and primates.

The collapse of the USSR in 1991 left the virus unfinished, a lack of intelligence and a slow speed left zombies unable to defend themselves well. It was not until 1995, when the virus sold to a scientific community funded by Middle Eastern oil derricks, that the final running kinks would be decreased, and the intelligence would be boosted. Needing a better weapon for the impending war with western countries, the virus was put into an overhaul, by 2002, it was nearly ready. The zombies could reach an adrenaline boost twice as strong as usual, and they could contemplate what to do in a variety of situations. The war on terror, however, halted the scientific Sheiks, and forced them to pass it on once more, in 2005.
The new league that held the virus was a well-funded corporate agency, specializing in screwing people over and turning men against one another. The virus was like their dream game, in only 4 years, the virus was perfect for them. The virus had reached peak performance, and zombies could run, walk, think, and learn, making them the ultimate traitor to humanity and a worthy super weapon. In 2009, however, the company went down in the largest global economic disaster since the great depression era, the remaining people who worked at the agency made a decision to continue research, south of the border. Drug cartels went on the rise, just as they finally finished the zombie serum. They would recruit carriers, people who hated modern society all across the world, and inject them with a replicating agent that would only travel through their saliva, yet not affect them, only those who they bite. The idea was to send them all across the world, through drug trains, legal flights, illegal shipments, any name for whichever idea, and have them all at one time begin infecting as many people as they can, causing wide spread world panic and chaos, and possibly ending human civilization as it is known. The success of the virus depended on reproduction through bite contamination, and at times actual reproduction, because every little kink in the system was fixed, the zombies were now a force to be reckoned with, and with a backing of mass hysteria, no country stood a chance. In 2012, the first man was bitten, in a bar fight in southern Chicago, what followed, were outbreaks all across the world, as the carriers contaminated everyone they could encounter before being stopped with a hail of bullets or straightjackets. The zombies could then inherit the earth, as they spread their virus through their saliva, and spread fear through their impressive predation.
Zombification occurs in a complex format, starting with a simple contamination. First, a bite from an infected individual deposits at least a trace amount of saliva on the wound, which dooms the victim to an infection. From there, the virus and the bacteria that accompanies travel though the blood stream, slowly replicating, and fighting off antibodies on their way to their destination, the human brain. As it approaches, the human body becomes ill, as the white blood cells attempt to rid the body of the virus and its bacterial bodyguards. As they collect in the human head, they attack the brain, slowly shutting down each part and establishing their own neurons to take over. This process weakens the brain until the infection is able to destabilize and shut it down. There, the human seems to die. For a short period of time, the infection replicates the human DNA so that it will no longer be fought with by white blood cells, and it quickly reactivates the brain, having become a neural control mechanism. The virus forces its bacteria to begin creation of special enzymes, which attach to hemoglobin of red blood cells, maximizing their oxygen carrying capacity. From there, the body begins to wake up once again, under new management. The now zombified human body is shot to attention, and it attempts to raise itself off the ground using registered movements that came along with the human brains natural controls. Though the rougher and simple mechanics were well preserved, nimble actions are hard to perform and intelligence is under par, forcing the zombie to adapt quickly under its circumstances. As soon as it stands, it will begin to attempt maneuvers to get balance, stumbling or walking clumsily in the process. Sometimes prey is immediately nearby, and having come to life in such a rapid and radical process may have caused slight hunger, and the zombie lunges at full speed towards its victim, often stumbling and tripping on the way. If allowed to live and under human supervision, zombies have the ability to become passive towards other humans, and they could even learn how to do human tasks, though not rocket science, ever. But, giving a zombie that chance is risky, and should only be done when they are fully aware of the alternative, which would be death. Moreover, in the scenario that a zombie is captured, it will not be too content with the animosity to be exhibited against it by most humans.
Gender and zombies plays a key role in some of the changes characteristics. Examples are ordinary 18-30 year old human specimens, zombified and under regular conditions. Male humans, attributed with testosterone, have a higher aggression and adrenaline output. They can run very fast and are able to lift quite a lot more than usual humans. The downside for them is the fact that they lack intelligence, possible emotion, nimbleness, and reflex speed in comparison to their female counterparts, whom don’t exhibit the exact adrenaline output as the males nor the aggression, as they tend to scavenge instead, and they seem to retain more of their reaction abilities, fine tuned motions, and smarts. They also retain more memories than males, at the least 3% excess in each female, and they have a higher retention of emotional abilities, all due in part to the hormonal outputs in the brain. Some say that they are more dangerous, in that some of the female zombies will be attractive and could possibly attract and in rare cases, actually seduce a male human into following only to be torn apart by herself or another zombie.

The average lifespan for zombies vary according to gender. If according to proper nutrients, shelters, and care: For female zombies, their lives end around the time their bodies hit menopause, which is commonly 51 years of age. Some female zombies, however, can live below or above that age date. Male zombies can live to be up to 60 years of age, which is often the cap for the total age length. The zombification virus does not infect and change humans into zombies if they are over 54 years of age if they are bitten, it simply over takes their bodies and kills them, pure and simple. Humans can be transformed into zombies anywhere between 7 and 54 years of age, giving a wide array of victims. Although they have the possibility to live for quite a long time, it would be hard for them to scavenge and devour the proper nutrients to survive without more intelligent assistance, and cannibalism among zombies only occurs when a different zombie is already dead, as usually they do not kill one another unless necessary.
Though put down earlier, zombies actually do retain quite a bit of memory. Males, on average, retain anywhere from 7-18% of their memory of past lives, but it is mainly things required for survival and benefits. Females on the other hand, retain an extra 3%, so they are often 10-21% retentive. There are a few rare cases wherein zombies can retain a large enough amount of memory to not attack humans, as they recognize them for their good. Nevertheless, most zombies will be ready to activate predation first. Their abilities to learn were also previously under rated. They actually can be quite fast learners if in the right conditions. Naturally, they will only quickly pick up survival tactics, often from joining a larger group where a learning curve will aid them in their ways of survival. However, zombies in contact with humans will learn from them, albeit a longer period due to the human complexity, and employ their tactics to better suit their own necessities, be it a nostalgic return to a family, or a better grasp on the weaknesses of their prey.
The rate at which infection spreads has also yet to be discussed, so a simple timeline for the speed, symptoms, and affects are for a victim of the virus.


Essay on Zombies cont.

The disease functions by a specific saliva based bacteria, similar to that of the Komodo dragons' toxic saliva, entering the body from a wound, caused by a bite. Human skin does a good job of protecting the body, but once teeth pierce the skin, it is prone to being infiltrated by the bacteria, as there is a gash and blood first begins seeping out. Often, bite areas affect the rate at which complete infection occurs. Light injuries to the feet and fingers can often take 8 hours for full infection, arms and below the knee can be as little as 4 hours. The shoulders, torso and thighs are able to result in 2 hours to 30 minutes, depending on the severity, and if bitten on the neck infection can be as little as 5 minutes. First, the bacteria travel from the wound towards the heart. White blood cells are effective for hindering its progress, but nothing more. The bacteria eventually maneuvers towards the human brain. These bacteria are able to copy the genetic sequence of the current human body in the Cerebral Spinal Fluid, also known as CBS. The bacteria then multiply, with given attributes of the genetic makeup of the host, in order to spread around the body without causing a major ruckus with white blood cells slowing down their progress. As soon as the bacterium spread, they give many benefits to the body. As they begin to join red blood cells with their own similar color, function and speed, virtually identical to the blood cells, but more efficient, as they also carry more oxygen, stimulate the body's ability to regenerate muscle tissue faster, pump more adrenaline, and significantly up the cortisone produced. However, the bacteria are not assisting the human's body just to be a good guest, as it did not arrive alone. The specific bacterium may have a great resistance to viral infections, bodily defense, and overall function, but it has a resident of its own. A parasitic virus was along for the ride. As soon as the bacterium reaches the CBS, it begins to invade the brain tissue. Its goals are unlike that of any other virus, as it instead functions to completely replace the human brain cells and begins to control the body for its own usage. It infects only a few areas of the brain, however, leaving others untouched. The first place the virus attaches itself to is the brainstem. After being bitten, the victims usually will feel a loss of coordination, fever, slurred speech, poor reflexes, sweating, and a few other symptoms. Overall, the brainstem is the most poorly overtaken areas of the brain; the virus does a sloppy job of replication and often ends up with slower reflexes and the lack of good speaking skills, if the brains memory is preserved to even know how to speak at all. As the taking of the brainstem occurs, another important part of the brain is slowly infected, the Cerebellum. Overall, the virus does a good job of preserving the traits of the Cerebellum, but incredibly fine movements, such as turning a door, firing a gun, or opening a window, are made incredibly difficult, and threading a needle is out of the question. The Temporal and Occipital lobes are relatively untouched, and partially improved upon. They remain relatively intact. The most important part of the brain taken over is the Frontal lobe of the brain. By this point, the virus is fed up with the constant and quick copying of cells, it seems, and this is the second most poorly copied area of the entire brain. As we all should know, the frontal lobes are involved in motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior. Of these, judgment, language, memory, impulse control and social behavior are nearly lost. The reason, however, is not what one would see right off the bat. The virus replaces it the most because no such social and moral tasks are required, which leads to the explanation of why zombies do not attack each other. It is simple; really, humans naturally produce hormones and testosterone, which each other's senses have the weak, but true ability to pick up. The virus improves upon these senses, and modifies the natural hormones and testosterones to carry a special pheromone with them as well, which is easily acknowledged by the other zombified individuals. Finally, the Parietal lobe is by far the worst preserved part of the brain. The only remnants of the area are simple motor skills and a slight reminiscence of memory and personality, however, on rare occasions more can be preserved. Instead, the lobe is dedicated to the main senses of the zombie, helping process the pheromone commands.
Another plus for the replicating of the Brain Stem to suit the newly managed body, Zombies do not need sleep, because the new brain accomplishes all tasks while the body is simply standing ideally. The zombie can still feel pain, as well, but they are able to completely ignore it. If you were to approach a zombie from behind and poke it with a jagged stick, it would have the ability to feel the pain however; therefore, it would most likely turn and maul you. Zombies may not attack each other because of the pheromone, but if necessary, they will cannibalize each other, too, in order to survive. They are a virtual embodiment of the sin of Gluttony and Wrath.
Of course, the whole process of the brain replacement drives the body to go temporarily haywire, starting with a fever, turning into flu like symptoms, and eventually killing the human being in the process. The organs stay alive and still run continuously for a short time after the death of the original brain. However, after a few moments of immanency, the entire body comes back to life, now under the control of the new brain. The zombie retrieves its balance and gets up again, now essentially the "walking dead" even though doctors to revive patients preform similar revivals countless numbers of times.


Well my western turned to crap for sure but my Zombie novel is a PTP real soon lol.

Anyways here is my latest accomplishment:

<- Fruity and not mine...

TO... My creation...


Exactly like Mercs 2 thanks to my MSoft Paint skillz.
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