Who is the best dueling opponet?

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Adventurer duelers that spend their time lurking in your hotel for free?


Nah, adventurers spend too much time in towns delivering their money back to the bank. Clearly, the hardest to beat are those who join random towns only upon entering your town, and immediately getting into a hotel.


Try the level 67 quest NPC's. They hit hard, and will teach you the pointers before dueling: Start at full HP and bank your cash.


hardest to beat


and gyoza as he never joins a town :p


Kanga packs a mean punch also. She kicked tail on our whole town once.:eek:hmy:


I just reported your inappropriate profile. It seems that InnoGames did something to you. Glad to know it is working. :indian:

Haha, they haven't done anything at all, cause my profile was just fine. You just won because you have more HP. It wont last forever, enjoy when you can.

Oh, i almost forgot. It's only bad loosers who report profiles.


Hey, Jesse Rawlins,

I feel really bad in writing irrelevant things in this post. Since your profile had inappropriate words, somebody may have taken it or blocked it. Or you may have just changed it - I don't know this. You just said "blocking" in your previous posting. Also, please do some homework on the last duel report and think hard if you would win even though you had same HP that I have. If you cannot do the math, you may want to post the report and ask people whether you would win the duel. If you were to have less HP, that's a part of duel.

Anyway, I really respect you as one of tough duelers in world 8 and don't want to argue about it. You may be the strongest dueler in world 8 as you claim. So, you don't have to be mean. Although I am very happy to find a hint to manage a soldier with 188 tactic and high aim, I sill think you are the toughest.

So, take it easy and have fun.

Best Regards,



That's my man
Kitty as attacker challange low level players for 5-10 exp points

How proud leader hehe
Challange player ~ -30 dueling levels and still lose rofl

+350 EXP won lol This is a PUSSHING DUEL !! Let's block kitty !!

(rofl rofl rofl)
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