World 9 Most Wanted


I get so much fan mail from my duels (although from low level noobs currently) I found myself wishing there were a place to post rankings of World 9's most wanted duelers.

Ideally there would be some type of reward that a town or person would pay for the KO, perhaps to a town treasury?

I just wanted to give my vocal "piggy banks" some outlet for their frustrations at my continuous muggings especially when their town has nobody to do the job for them... like this poor fella:

Frostbite On 12/17/09 at 2:09 PM
With that 3rd attack i have declared war on yuou and had the hit put out, hope you enjoyed the last few peaceful minutes of you not being knocked out, dummy

unfortunately... his "hit-man" proved less than capable of the task so I was forced to go back up there and chat with them all again, which I feel bad about really...

So thoughts on a world 9's most wanted list?


I nominate Katax!

Hell of a guy, just milkin my town for xp. We can get him but it's a long walk, and there's no-one else to duel around him. I'll trade some SSF KO's to someone around him that can keep busy.:laugh:


see now this is the spirit, nothing welcomes in the holidays more than sending a present (a much needed 2 day rest) to somebody special that has given so much to you. Perhaps if this idea picks up steam we could convince the programs to include an in-game version of this with posted rewards.


i just some weeks ago started dueling. so i belive i am not the most wanted ''dueler'', i am a mexican too! ;):D:rolleyes: