Break A Wish game


Granted, then your gameboy blows your house up

I wish for a flying horse


Granted. But some one shot it out of the air thinking it was an oversized duck.

I wish for peace.


Granted, you get a piece of a poisoned pie. =D

I wish for a slice of DELICIOUS, NON-POISONED Cake. Whoever corrupts this wish goes to hell! ( Sarcasm..)


Granted, but its a rock cake, litterally... (i dont like hell...but at least its warm)

I wish for a portion of fish and chips :)-D)


Granted but the fish is still alive, gasping for breath and the chips are the kind used in poker.

I wish for a donkey.


Granted, however he kicks you off and causes 999999999 damege to you.. YOU DIE... FOREVER...

I wish for a quarter horse who doesn't kick me off, kick me, or hurt me in any way. It also protects me from EVERYTHING that someone can use to corrupt this wish!


Granted, but he kills all your friends and family.

I wish I had a $1,000,000 computer


granted, but its much much over priced and worth nothing

i wish i had my sexy jeans back { dont say take a diet pepsi ]


Granted but they catch on fire and you live the rest of your life only able to use your arms

I wish I could play the electric guitar/ bass well


Granted, however it's a unicorn from Charlie the Unicorn and it annoys you to death!

I wish I was in debt of $1.


granted, haha that 1$ has massive intrest of 5,000,000,000%

i want a pony that doesnt speak


Granted, however the pony kicked you in the balls and you died!

I wish for $100000000000 so im out of debt!


granted, but that money given to u got stolen and you got t-bagged

i wish for a palatalized pony that cant talk


Granted, however god was very mad for you putting horrible stuff on this poor pony and made him healthy and it kicked you FAR away into China!

I wish for a $10000000 that is LEGIT!


GRANTED, but your girlfriend went on a jewelry store shopping spree now its all gone

i wish i had a palatalized pony cant talk but it was born like that and gods loves me and the devil doesn't care


Granted, HOWEVER I came and set you both on fire!

I wish I had $10000000000000 that is legit, and only I can spend it, I won't die, nothing BAD or TERRIBLE or anything of that nature will happend to me, my friends, my family, etc anything that would make me devestated!


granted, but no one will sell you anything hahahhaa

i wish for a pony you is palatalized god loves me the pony cant talk and elements cant hurt it and if i die the pony lives. pony cant be touched and seen by anyone or anything god and all.


Granted, however Chuck norris came.... He's better then god or anything indestrucible. Seeing you brag about this, he round house kicks you and the horse!

I wish that this is my last post till I wake up tommorow which it will be which means you can't corrupt this since my wish is fullfilled HAH!