Gun town north II: The Sequel!


After my recent disappointment that the thread about our Beloved town of Gun town north was closed by the all powerful Denisero, I have decided to start a new thread and continue discussion!

Obviously I am just joking, but the idea of creating a beginner town from scratch spawned an idea in my head that I think would be fun and reinvigorate my interest in this game.

What if a team of the best players from world 9, comprised of the most skilled duelers, builders and the like, created a town on one of the earlier worlds, such as world 3 or 4. LAME IDEA Markus you may be thinking, but there are multiple aspects/ rules that will make this project fun and exciting!

1) Every individual that joins this town must be a brand new character and have no previous experience, even a single level, on this world.
2) No outside help or recruiting aside from brand new players from W9 that create new accounts on whatever world we decide on.
3) NO SHOPPING AT OTHER TOWNS... reasoning behind this. I want to simulate the VERY beginning of a world again. At the very beginning of each world, it was painstakingly difficult to build up a town and none of the other towns had any items in them at all! To combat the fact that we will have very few items available, multiple W9 towns can be created right next to each other and shopping will be allowed between these towns, but not between anyone else.
4) Dueling will be fully allowed between the new W9 towns and the existing towns, however the new players will be obviously at a disadvantage as the other worlds have been going for some time. Additionally, the lack of shopping will encourage duelers to band together to win wars rather than simply having the best equipment.
5) You cannot play the same build that you have currently on W9. Reason for this: I recently created a dueler on W8 and it has been so fun to try out a different build than my current leadership/ trading build I have right now.

Eventually, if enough individuals from W9 participate in on the fun, than two separate factions can be developed and war between each other.

How to win!
First to 3000 wins in the mortician is claimed champion! Or something along those lines...

I hope everyone enjoys this idea and perhaps it could even be a West Wide movement!



What would these two factions be called? Silversnake and Middleton by any chance. lol


gun town north

I made this up in world 9 or do you want to come help me build my town??????????


I could do for a change of pace... I have the perfect spot too... Mark, wanna be on my team =P


it's actually not a bad idea...however, we would need to find a world where no one from W9 plays.
So, i propose we go to a different country. Eg. french or spanish. however, the Launguage barrier will be a problem here.
so, the other solution i see is wait until W10 comes around, and the Elite players from W9 start a town or 2 and Take over That World!

and Markus, how would we decide who the best players are? I know a lot of LvL -50 players who understand, and are VERY skilled in playing the game...
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I really like the idea of moving to a non english server. Plus even if there is a language barrier, it doesnt really matter since we arent utilizing the shopping of any other towns. However, I think that there has got to be some world that a majority of us players havent already begun a character on.

As for "the best" players in W9, I meant something more along the lines of experienced and good players, essentially I think that a good rule of thumb would be 66% dueling win percentage for duelers or lvl 40 plus for everyone else? What do you think Lewis?

Im going to send out a telegram to all my friends in W9 right now and if any of them accept, I will post their names on this thread. I think I am going to start a new thread with a better title once we get all of these bugs resolved and than we will really begin to plan how we are going to start a new town, from scratch, on one of the other worlds.

I just thought of this idea that also sounds like fun. What if we had alternate rules to my plan:

1) Two towns from W9 or perhaps a W9 vs W8 town on whatever world we decide on
2) ONE experienced builder that was already on that world is allowed to join each of the new towns.
3) EVERY other player is a dueler!
4) The only way to get money for your towns treasury has to be from your duelers and the money that they have stolen from other towns. They can also do jobs, but MUST be PURE duelers. No soldiers that are pure trappers for example.
5) The one worker will not be able to donate to the town treasury, but is obviously going to be the builder of the town, which is going to be an essential role.

Than we do the first town to be completed wins. What do you think of the new idea vs. the old?


You are going to have a problem with the worker. What are they supposed to do with all their cash? Workers make really good money and even with a larger bank account they are going to end up walking around with tons of cash on them and be easy targets. Not to mention you are advertising the fact that they can't donate to the treasury.


Perhaps I will give these workers an exemption from the no shopping rule and allow them to shop in other towns to use up their money and than immediately return to their respective towns once they have shopped, until the bank has been upgraded to a suitable level, such as level 5.


Well if you choose w2 for this, I have a level 53 builder with nothing to do. Was thinking of deleting him.


Keep the builder just in case George! Looks like we only need one more builder, excellent!

I just got this idea from Denisero:
I was thinking that maybe the builders could have a 2nd town close to your town where they can go and stash their money in the treasury there. You'd have to have one person (preferably someone not playing) to make a character to sit in the town and keep it alive or rotate a player in and out of there to hold the town. Then your workers could go deposit their cash in the treasury when they are close to having a max bank account.

Once they are done with your town they can build up their own and you guys can help protect them.

And I also thought about this: I know that it is ABSOLUTELY against the rules to create a second separate account and play on the same computer unless that account is not you and you do not duel the same person, etc. However, I see no reason why it would hurt the game of the west to have the moderators give certain accounts and players an exemption if they already have a character on W2 or whatever world we decide on in order to be able to start completely from scratch. That way it does not matter what world we choose and these players would still be able to participate in this idea. What do you think the ruling on this would be Denisero? Perhaps we could have players talk to the moderators directly if they want to participate yet already have a character on the world we decide on?


You will be told no. We can't make exceptions to the rule like that. The only thing they can do is delete their account on that world and start from scratch.


so far, sounds great. Still a lot we need to work out first.
W9 vs W8 gets my vote.

i believe that the "newest" the-west server is in France. Most people will speak a litle Frence, so this could be the first big decision sorted...but if 'yall want to go to an "older" server..."Gremany 1" is the one to look at...
Or if we find an English world, a few participants may have to delete their account.

I still think it is hard to establist the best players. Duel win/loss means nothing. (just means thea are probabley builder hitters) .

Finally, the "experienced builder" idea, will we will have to find 2 builders at the same level to make it fair? this could be difficult...
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I say we toss the rules, just take whoever we can, must be under lvl 20 when they join us. First one completed wins. Then we go to war with each other.


so markus....what is the plan with this project? we need a world, players and rules. this seems like a great idea so lets do this!


Ok so this is what im thinking is going to be the final plan. For now what we will do is all of us will be pure duelers on W8. W8 just was opened for us players on W9 so it is a logical move. We will have to find one pure builder that is willing to help us build up and we will use all of our duel winnings to build up the town. This is going to be fun! PM me in game in W8 if you want to join! I have a character on W8 already, but it is low leveled (17) so I know a bit about that world... The action is all on the right side of the map, so that is where we will build our town!

So aside from Saucey and Lewis, is anyone else down to join? I have two other friends on that world that are low leveled that want to join, so we at least have 5 pure duelers.


uhh, so you want me to swap my W5 with 8? 5 is dueler, 8 is hider =P