Items found?


should i keep the talsman or stone necklaces i find while transporting ammunation?


i just found a talisman while xporting ammo too. now i got a collection of currently useless necklaces.


is this good find for me at my combat lvl ? just wondering what clothing i need for trading with indains ? and combat level
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In the first two days of transporting ammo ...

Blue Shirt, Fancy Bonnet, Brown Clothing, and 3 sticks of dyna,ite .... and a BOOM that took away 44 health ... not bad for having only 2 labour points.


i found figaro's blade from transporting ammo, i also got grew bow from constructing a ranch. and red bow and yellow shirt from other jobs...but figaro's blade is best one so far.


is possible to have a few people volunteer and organize a list or a table for these? post item found and job next to it.


I've found 2 pieces of a note (part 2). Nearly $300 when you sell it, and I wasn't even trying to get it.


I've found 4 of them. Was looking for items, but four times in a row got a note but no item.

One Armed Ninja

Well-Known Member
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sworry for big picture, not enough time to trim it :D)

For those of you that don't know it's Drake's Muzzleloader sale value of $1790

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*steals Drake's muzzleloader from One Armed Ninja*
Nah, just kidding ;) Nice loot!