Request a sig here


Dimension: Town flag
File type: jpg

Primary text: Death's Door
Secondary text: Welcome To Hell
Theme: Gothic (i think lol)
Image Link:


Dimension:Max Size-500x100
File Type:jpg
Primary text:Masterofwar101
Secondary Text:Dueling Lord
Theme:The West
Extras:picture of half faded away wild west mans face(hope not to confusing)


Dimesion: 500X100
File type:jpg
Primary txt:Arathena
Secondary txt:"Do you like what you see? Good. It's the last thing you ever will."(or along those lines whatever you can make fit)
Theme:pretty blonde women/warrior theme/
image link:n/a
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Just reinstalled photoshop so here's a quick go at it. Arathena, hope you like it :). Kept the text like how you asked for, kinda. If you want me to re word it just say so and ill do it asap, its no biggie.


And for Gaffey here is your flag. Hope you like it also. Its the size of a town flag that I assume is the same for forts.


Sorry masterofwar, I would have done your sig too but doing "the west" themed stuff kinda gets me in a dull mood to the point where I don't finish em (im also like that with war themed stuff too lol).


Oh wow, that is really awesome. thank you so much! better than I could have hoped for. Muah!


Dimension: 500x100
File type: JPEG
Primary text: Born to duel, Live to Win!
Secondary text: Sk8erman
Theme: Hellish (dark and scary Like)
Extras: Two Machetes making an X `-- If you can


Dark background with a faded face and a two crossed pistols in the top right corner and with the text I gave before.


Thanks for the town flag. Just what i was looking for.

Dimension: 500X100
File type: JPEG
Primary text: Who dares wins
Secondary text: Gaffey
Theme: Dueler theme
Extras: A dueler on the left side of the sig blowing the top of his gun with the smoke effect
coming out of the gun
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Ok some more quick ones.

Masterofwar here's what I came up for yours. Moved the guns down next to the text because I thought it would look better than them being off at the corner. But if you still want me to move em up there just speak up and I can do it right away.


and for Sk8rman this is what I did.


kinda iffy but hope you guys like em.

Gaffey I searched forever and could not find a decent stock like how you asked. I couldn't even find a nice pic of a person where I could just add the gun and smoke to make it look like he was blowing the smoke away....sorry.


Dimension: Aatar So no idea XD
File type: Any
Primary text:

Secondary text:
Theme: Tea!!
Extras: A cup?


Dimension: 500x100
File type: JPEG
Primary text: You have been Upanated
Secondary text: Upanator
Theme: Terminotor
Extras: Two shotguns maybe in a x?


I'm requesting a sig

Dimension: 90x700
File type: whichever
Primary text: If you don't listen, I will find you and hurt you
Secondary text: Mikethedice
Theme: Dark sort of theme
Extras: Hooded figure with a gun, with a good background
Image Link: None


Dimension: I don't know, as big as a signature can permit.
File type: Any
Primary text: I Reign in Blood in a World Painted Blood
Secondary text: SATAN
Theme: Slayer, Hell, Satan
Extras: Satan on a throne
Image Link: None


Well-Known Member
Dimension: same size as Annie oakleys
File type: any,
Primary text: fossil1999
Secondary text: $10,000 WANTED ALIVE
Theme: the wild west,
Extras: land around the sig with trees, with a hang-rope be hind and a old-looking plc of a banit or a cowboy in the sig
Image Link: