P&P Saddest town/player ever? ... I think so.


Ok, this I have to share, even though usually I keep this sort of thing to myself.

My level 29 soldier likes to duel, and also likes a challenge, so I usually only tackle soldiers and duellers at least 4 levels higher than me.

South of our town, I noticed a level 37/duelling level 46 dueller carrying those throwing daggers and wearing better equipment than me.

I myself am level 29/dl 43 so thought this looked like a good challenge. I won.

Ten minutes later I get this telegram:


SpencA Today at 1:13 AM That was a bad move, my friends and I will see you soon.

Leave our town now unless you want us to not only KO you but everyone else in your tiny town on a consistant basis.

Thank you,

So, here it is. A higher level dueller, with better equipment, who when duelled and beaten threatens my small town with this sort of crap?

I am seriously becoming disillusioned with world 10 and 11 - they seem to be absolutely full of people like this.
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On world 10 I was stalked for months after I beat a soldier six character levels above me and about 10 dueling levels higher in one duel. One of his other higher level townmates decided to duel me and my town workers constantly for a few weeks, and then even dragged on the situation to an older world. I took care of the problem though, and I appreciate the free XP I got on world 7 :p.


Intimidation is part of the game. Usually they are empty threats to be laughed at. In other words, don't let your win turn into a loss because of the loser's words.


Artagel just go back there and kick him in the teeth again. If you beat him once you can do it again.


Saddest town/player ever?

Ok Artagel, let me get this straight, you attacked me, and won, that is a fact. Then I sent a telegram your way threatening to KO you if you didn't leave my town right away. Then you left....right away....and didn't duel anyone else.

What is wrong with this picture? Nothing!!!

As a town founder, I feel it is my duty to protect my members, therefore, that is what I did. I talked big, you cowarded, and left with your tail between your legs.

Dueling is part of the game, so are telegrams, get used to it.

Now if you follow mbrown0772's advise, and come back and "kick him {me} in the teeth again", that is your choice. But remember, if you do, and my posse walks all over your entire town, don't come crying saying I didn't tell you so... ;)


REAL BIG YAWN.Do yourself a favor and go back and punch him in his mouth with whatever weapon you got and beat his arse.Don't worry about what he says he is going to do after .He may and he may not you never know Don't be yella hit him fast hit him hard hit him again.


Ok Artagel, let me get this straight, you attacked me, and won, that is a fact. Then I sent a telegram your way threatening to KO you if you didn't leave my town right away. Then you left....right away....and didn't duel anyone else.

If he was a higher level, maybe.
If he hit "non-combatants", maybe.
If he hit a member repeatedly or hit many members of your town, maybe.

But he duels and beats a dueler of your town who is 8 levels higher than him? Posturing in a telegram is completely unnecessary in this situation. The OP might be exaggerating a bit, but one random duel against one random member of your town, especially under those conditions requires no telegram and only serves to make you look weak.


Yeah really Spenc, man up and learn to lose. Losing is a part of life, it happens all the time. When it does happen, learn to take it like a man and don't complain about it. And like you said, dueling is a part of the game and if you're a dueler that gets a random attack by another dueler and loses there is no reason to threaten anyone.


REAL BIG YAWN.Do yourself a favor and go back and punch him in his mouth with whatever weapon you got and beat his arse.Don't worry about what he says he is going to do after .He may and he may not you never know Don't be yella hit him fast hit him hard hit him again.

Lol xD
Take this advice, KO him and his 'posse' :laugh:


Scratch that, looks like somebody already did, 1521 times.

With a mortician like this you are in no position to be making threats, SpencA.


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I lost my cool once, spenc, and trust me that is not something you want to do. So go ahead and man up now or you'll be pinned as a sore loser in the forums forever.

(Im talking from experience here)


Intimidation is part of the game.

Best response yet.

@: X-TheCool-X - No use bringing up the past, we're focusing on the future.

It's tough running an independant town...but someone's gotta do it!


Here I totally disagree with you, SpencA. You may think intimidation is a good way to "protect" your town, but from my experience you are doing almost exactly the opposite.

If there is one thing guranteed to make a dueller/soldier attack you it is a profile or town message saying how you are going to kill them/KO them/hunt them down. Especially when they take a look at your Mortician and see that this sort of hyperbole is not backed up by hard, butt kicking action.

For a small town, what you should be doing is trying very, very hard to keep yourself OFF the radar, yet your messages and threat telegrams do the exact opposite.

Yes, I did leave your town after duelling you, but not for the reason you think. You were the last duel of the day for me, and I was on less than half hp from a full energy bar of duels, so I duelled you and went to bed.

I have since been back and hit a few more players, and will continue to do so as our grid is pretty empty of towns that have more than 2 or 3 members.

Don't take it all so personally, drop the threats and accept that a soldier or dueller is going to appear in your town and attack people - it's what they do.


Artagel does have a point spenc, but don't give up yet, you've got to prove a little bit of your worth, a true fighter admits defeat once he's pass out on the dirt, so try and back up your threats, and maybe all of your rep will not be lost.


i don't get it...

I'm going to go ahead and back up SpencA here, and not just because he's the founder of the town I currently reside in, but because he really isn't in the wrong here. You guys are intellectualizing the message way too much and out of the game's context (either that or you're children). He's just playing the game and doing what a good founder would do, IN the game. Take it how you want to from there, retaliate and call him on it with your weapons, whatever you need to do man... but to go crying on the forum about it? Now the fact that no one has called you out on THAT is what amazes me.