P&P Saddest town/player ever? ... I think so.


Way to try and turn this into yet another flame war.

Perhaps next time before you so desperately feel the need to have your oh so incisive say on a matter, you could try and actually READ the post you are failing to try and mock.

I said quite clearly that I get LOADS of these sort of telegrams but just wanted to share this one. Can you understand that a bit better now I have typed it again?

Oh and how very witty of you to try and use a veiled insult about me being a girl .. oh tee hee, how ORIGINAL of you.

PS By the way, there is actually NOTHING wrong wtih being any of the following, just so you can try and grow as a human, you know:

Being female, being homosexual, being of a different colour, being "foreign", having an IQ, knowing how to comprehend people's posts, etc etc.


The funniest thing about this post is that it is labeled as a P&P thread, yet even the title is one big flame/personal attack/insult, which is supposedly not allowed.



I agree with all those who think, you and your posse should get your ass kicked...man i think ill even go there myself...you seem to be easy XP...