Twenty (20!) fort battles


Well this should be fun... EVERYONE is under siege on both sides!

My guess is that everyone trades forts and in the end no clear victor emerges, yet all of us have lots of fun!


I had to check my eyes.

I will be participating in 2.

Going to be interesting....


Some town attack 2 forts , i dont know how can they win?

Its because they have faked most of the attacks matey.

Unfortunately because of the counter attacks... more of those attacks won't be going ahead.


Dang it Wildman!

Stop giving away all our secrets!

Don't make me bring my pillow over again.....:eek:hmy:


Some medium forts have only 3 defenders :) Free 5000/3 valued items haha

Edit: Not 5000/3; 5000/1 wow
Last edited by a moderator:


I know! How embarressing was that. 40 defenders! WTF?:eek:hmy:

Maybe that'll motivate some folks.

Keep the place clean, I'll be taking it back soon.....


If wasnt fair Galts using you like that for there own goals.

I like it how they sent most people to defend there fort what a great allie you have there :unsure:

They had to bring Middleton into the war and use them as bait to call fort battles for them didnt that back fire on you. :D


I think this is the most common things happening in world 9 as many peoples are doing lots of silver mining or drilling for oil. LOL! :laugh:


Has anyone else realized how quiet the middleton folks have been in the forums lately?

Looks like they like to talk trash when they think that they have an advantage, but like to hide in a hole and not say anything once they lose their forts.



Actions speak louder than words.

Is that loud and clear enough for ya, Markie?:mad:


nice pscyder that gives enough action but let me remind u that there are more forts

PS wh dont u get ripper back to help u ajjaja


Don't you worry about Ripp3r, Caca.

You just go get my fort ready for me.


I hope that this is a good fight, unlike the dismal showing that your folks put up for the fight for your main fort at Middleton... too bad your 'allies' decided that you didnt need any help and because of that you lost your fort. we will bring 128 to this battle and I really do hope that you all do the same!