P&P Wanted and the best play The West has ever seen


Everyone is trying to figure out what's going on over at Wanted. Let me explain. A little over a year ago it's original founder made a fool of me and I told him he would pay. Since then, I've managed to tactfully infiltrate Wanted, be promoted to one of it's 3 leaders, leak all kinds of information to it's enemies while slowly cracking it's foundation and finally dismantling it today.

Wanted is done and I've made good on my debt. A single straw.

Like I said - the best move ever...


Congrats on being the lamest kid around. Taking a game way too hardcore. Now you've gotten your 'revenge' are you finally going to go outside?


omg, what did he do to you? violate you when you took shower?
this is stupidest thing i ever heard :D


It was... Johnzelda basically was dueled by one of WANTED's players over a year ago... made a nap with wanted 8 months ago, joined wanted 3 month's ago and gave enemies info on wanted and then went power hungry and started kicking players out of town...

WANTED was already dead, but johnzelda took it to a whole new level. Oh well, time to move on to bigger and better things...

johnzelda: "I'm taking my ball and going home!"


Everyone is trying to figure out what's going on over at Wanted. Let me explain. A little over a year ago [bold]it's original founder made a fool of me[/bold] and I told him he would pay. Since then, I've managed to tactfully infiltrate Wanted, be promoted to one of it's 3 leaders, leak all kinds of information to it's enemies while slowly cracking it's foundation and finally dismantling it today.

Wanted is done and I've made good on my debt. A single straw.

Like I said - the best move ever...

Made a fool of you? That's like making a boot of a boot. I'm not exactly sure what you think you've accomplished. Obviously if people in wanted cared they could simply start another town, and be right where they were before you decided to make yourself known as the biggest $*!@ on world 2. Wombat was highly respected by his friends and enemies alike, I suspect all you've done is made it so you'll simply be unable to play on World 2 (and probably other worlds as well), as no self-respecting person would choose to be a part of your town, or anything you represent. Enjoy your trip, pat yourself on the back, and feel like you've actually done something worthwhile...and not spent over year obsessing over some browser game...
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John is one of those people of startling weak character and intelligence. I don't think he planned anything, he laid claims to some big uber organization and dropped my name assuming that because I'm banned people can't send me an email or say, "hey man, this guy seems to think you're a member of a super secret organization of MMOspies."

For one thing Wanted is an empire, they're members fly back and forth all over the place so Latigo Kid and Plazze1 making a town is not really going to be a big deal.

Second, john didn't come up with some master plan he lacks the foresight and intelligence for either. I've spoken with him at length and it's one sad attempt at earning approval after another. He wanted people to think hes' something that he's not, or acts like he's something new. Those of us that have been around the west since its birth know that it's just one of those things. Every once in a great while some pest steals a town. He broke nothing, just set it back a bit and showed the world how classless he is.

before I was banned he started a war with us, and we crushed him. He ran like a cowardly little girl to wanted, then when he got bored he threw everyone out. There was no large plan, just the random flailings of a bored child. He wrote one person after anotehr virtually begging to be unblocked and for attention. That's all he is, not some ridiculous mastermind (yea that club really exists, more like he'd like to make a petty club of losers like that.)

even if by some random chance he was being honest, (which is not really possible if you take everything into account.) his great accomplishment, meant nothing, Wombat (the original founder of Wanted) quit a long time ago...
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After the smoke settled we were able to see what actually happened...

I came back to wanted to establish some sort of order to wanted after retiring a few months back. Johnzelda was going crazy and power hungry. Ordering players to attack DL and if they didn't he booted them. I came back and he wouldn't give me a counsilor's hat, let alone a founder's hat.

He told me that I retired and gave up leadership in wanted and I need to move on. I said if that's how it's going to be then so be it. I told him I would move on and resign as a leader in wanted... problem being everyone decided to follow me... John threw a hissy fit and kicked everyone out of town and cried about it.

Either way, wanted is done and we will reorganize and the "new" wanted will be better than it was before.

This wasn't some master plan, this was a 12 year old boy throwing a temper tantrum cuz no one would listen to him.

So that's a snap shot of what happened :) John is gone and wanted has officially disbanded and World 2 has bigger and better things coming it's way ;)


Well, I see that whether you want it or not, you do need to reorganize, maybe under a different name as Harsha suggested. The bad side of it for you guys is that you lost all your forts, but in the same time this could work your way if you play it right. Rise like the phoenix from your own ashes, start from 0 and work your way up. I guess now you have your chance to prove yourself as a leader to me. :)
What he did was like a kick in the vulnerable male spot and guess what? He thought GG is happy for the grabs. What he got was a decline. I don't care about what others think, but as I said before, I rather fight than take for granted.



this is probably one of the most pathetic things i've ever read!
how old is this guy??
yeah, booting everyone from WANTED was pretty small. well, he's never ever going to get into another town ever again.

I hear the sound of the LYNCH MOB!

I think every single player that reads this thread should mail him in the forum simply saying 'pathetic'. might get the message across :)


Well-Known Member
well, i'm quite surprised at what he did - it all is so unreasonable and stupid

Anyhow, i do hope that WANTED will return soon, under a whole new banner - just like Duduie says, "rise like the phoenix from the ashes"

Good luck ;)


The only downside I'm seeing from this is the insurpassable dueling points we're leaving from wanted 1.


Well-Known Member
yes, you have a point there - many towns stay at No 1, not due to fort points, but due to dueling points...also, i'm wondering, what John will do with the town its self...he may just quit, and it'll land in the hands of a random greehorn, who happened to spot it on the map

anyhow, a fresh start is what WANTED really needs to recover and return to it's winning ways


Quite a surprise logging in and seeing that everyone (me included) was booted from Wanted. Pathetic seems to be an accurate description.


I left of my own accord. Dork Zelda is sitting in his town all by himself - which is what he deserves.


Wow. That really sucks.

I'm on the opposing side but even still this doesn't feel like a victory when it happens in this manner. David vs Goliath isn't nearly so epic if the big guy gets posioned before the fight.

I'm sure you'll be up and running in no time....and back to tasting my Winchester.


Well-Known Member
seems like the new WANTED has started - the NWO

quite a lot better than the old WANTED group of towns, i must say - all WANTED's best duelers coupled in a single town - much easier to duel :D, except it's located a bit too far from the east :sad: