Worst injury when working?


Woohoo, congrats X. That's setting the bar quite high. My strong guess is that this record is gonna stay around for some time.



I dont get this

A big branch falls on you. You hurt your shoulder. You lose 10 health points.
A branch falls on you. You hurt your shoulder. You lose 11 health points.:nowink:


Transport Ammo

BOOOM You lose 761 health points.

At 93% danger, I was expecting something like that. The question is, how much further can that go?

Anybody for over a thousand? Lol.

I dont get this

A big branch falls on you. You hurt your shoulder. You lose 10 health points.
A branch falls on you. You hurt your shoulder. You lose 11 health points.:nowink:

Big one crushed it, small one pierced it?


A rock falls on your foot. You lose 74 health points.

You don't pay attention and trip over a rock. You lose 11 health points. (Ten bucks says it's the same rock)

You hit a nail through your hand. You lose 8 health points.


I'm quite pleased with

You get stuck between two logs. You lose 203 health points.

because it's taken me until 3/4 of the way through Level 28 (643/851) to get any injury at all above 150 pts. I guess I'm just careful to look where I'm going... :D


From w4 :p

You get into a fight with another prospector. He breaks your nose. You lose 4 health points.


In River Fishing,

You fall off a canoe and catch a cold. You lose 254 health points...
Was that SARS?


You caught a cold , after going through the rapids and over the falls with out a canoe .


You stay in the sun too long and get a bad sunburn. You lose 3 health points.

... Nothing special here ...


A horse throws you off. You lose 305 health points.

and lol d2r5w3 someone just above you beat you.


A cow kicks me lose 137 HP.

Before that i only had a few broken noses from angry prospectors.