Cash and fortbattles


9-19 Public All invited Cash Battle

Cash Battle Newsletter

Tomorrow between 22:00 and 24:00 ST, We'll be calling a cash battle. It is open to the entire server. It will be at the fort named "3k Cash Battle 9-19". Battle instructions will be in chat:

1. Normal Entry
-Please bring $3000 for normal entry, please register it here: ==>CLICK LINK TO REGISTER<==

2. Mega-Donor (Bringing more than 3000)
If you want to bring more than the normal entry amount. There are rules for that:
-Screen shots are required ==>CLICK LINK TO REGISTER<==
-You Must Die early in the battle
-You will receive points equal to your donation (If you fill out the AFTER form)


Priority Ranking Details (Point List Here)
<**> = Lieutenants = Top 25 ranked (High priority on either side)
<*> = Privates = 26 - 50 ranked (Moderate priority Defense, High Priority Attack)
<> = Recruits = Unranked (with proof of cash) and ranks higher than 50 (priority on Attack only)
X = Traitors = People who repeatedly break rules will be tossed from the battle.


To get points for the Cash battle system, AFTER the battle use the link:

!!The system is automatic, if you don't fill in the second form you will not get points!!

Stay Thirsty my friends
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