Cash and fortbattles


My theory (going on what we've been told officially and this new finding) is that all the cash brought by the fort fighters to the battle is added to a cash pool from which every survivor will have a chance to find something. So your own cash won't matter per se, but the total amount of cash brought into the battle (plus some luck).

Of course, it might be that only players who are KOd will have their cash added to the pool - obviously there's no way of knowing this for sure without seeing the game code.

This might be right. I was in a world 7 battle yesterday. Carried no cash. Survived. Many survived. I got a black tie worth $750 sale value. That might mean that people were carrying cash. It is certainly out of the statistical range of the survivors.


any news if it was a stand still and do nothing battle or a fight ?


All I know is that the 2 others don't have any special items on them.


so is he carry special money or special cloth or ... !!
if another surviver dont get anything , what means this !!!!


Well there is the luck factor to consider.

One does not allways find stuff as a survivor.

DeletedUser doesn't have to be battle with maximum players (42/50 for small fort)...on w 3 it was only 7 players, 3 survivors (big fort) and they got wyatt earp's i think it's only important we all carry alot of money (and it's kind of logic that it's only important dead fighter's money) ...i'm willing to have on my hands 10 000$....


Also when doing this, in my opinion, we can rotate the survivors if it really counts the cash to cashpit only from KO'd players in fort battle. I have no prob losing 6-10k money if i'm among the survivors next time :) We'll see the results after this wall staring experiment coming.


good idea!

so we have to start making the plans cause i know we are ALL anxious!

how about for the next week NO fort battles?


No battles? guess that wont happen, as I've glady seen that W9 is still active in fort fighting. Which is very positive in this world! But when arranged ones are made, i believe our fort battle generals and opposite generals are both interested in trying this by playing it fair. We'll hear more later from them, some already may have heard :)


I'm ready to give this a try. I will tell all my guys to come and try and play it fair if you people will do the same.

I think it would be fun to see if we can get some of these rare items over here like supposedly they are doing on the Polish and Russian server.

You guys just need to telegram me with some notice and I'll tell our guys.


I got $12,000 worth of goods to sell so call it any time and I'll be there.

I don't hold out much hope of finding anything, I do high luck jobs a fair bit and can't find that Walking stick or Piece of note part one.


Man, I only found that Walking Stick the very first week they created it on world six with my Adventurer. I have been doing high luck jobs ever since.

I have NEVER found piece of note 1 again on any world no matter what I try.


Result from the battle

Grants Saber Gaffey
Youngers Revolver MasterChief82
Jesse James Schofield Hastjm
Allen Pepperbox Kanye Westy