Fort Battles


The Death of Loyalty

Well this world turned out to be great !

'But some One Had to spoil it'

Its a pity that JKbattle and Slickwickbilly had to stoop so low to get the our forts & players they wanted ? :razz:

All to catch up with the Mean Girls !

Is being two faced on Skype (with Me) and in chatango in personal chats the only way you guys can think of win .

The Dust Devils is a Family and in truth all members old and new, know how it felt to be in a Empire that cared.

The town chat was always active and fun .:up:

Loyalty 100% ??

[Even when Me and my loved wife left our friends in Dust Devils ,so that they could build back up and sort things out (like JK asked them to) they were still told NO ?

The new founders did all they were asked to sort things but that was not what was wanted .I quote 'Time for you to die DD' is what i was told on the first knife strike and they ment it !

I only and ever did good for the Allance i was in and helped every player who came for help with anything !

I thought better of you guys ! :dastardly:

Ex-DD Lead Founder

Fire :abe: