Some of my work :)

  • Thread starter The Sexy Assassin
  • Start date


Hey man I wasnt insulting you at all. I was giving you constructive thought from an outside source. It just turned out that you couldnt handle what I had to say, even though everybody else seems to agree with me.

But, thats okay, one day you will learn that a tutorial with viewpoints from the ONE person that wrote it wont teach you nearly as much as a bunch of random people critisizing your work.

I got called an arrogant peice of crap... Thats an insult. And I don't learn everything from tuts :) I actually had a mentor for a little while from someone with 9 years experince in graphics, he is seriously amazing with his stuff.

Anyways lets start from scratch,
update on spidy sig;

And my friend; (rendered the image myself)



I like the colors on the Spiderman, and I can even read it without any trouble. The other is well done, but harder for me to read again (my problem, not yours).


I dont wanna be rude when i ask this but does someone want a challenge if so then could you do me some pics of things i like.The challenge is you can only use what i put i like in my interests,so if you do then just mail me please.


My sig notwithstanding, I like the smaller text on your sigs, TSA. It forces a person to focus on the picture, thereby seeing more of it.
And by "a person", I mean me.

edit: maybe it's time to change my sig slightly.


I like the first spiderman sig that you made, it was more lively and colorful.

The arrows on the Katie sig look a bit off. The rest of it goes very smoothly and matches very well with the lady, it looks like if it were a pastel painting. Just the arrows dont look right.

I like the colorless time shift one, its so....idk but i like it it. If you were to brighten up the face glass thing it would look even better i think.


Its nice, but I think its a little simple coming from you TSA. And this just gave me an idea to make one of the spoon bending kid from the matrix lol. hmmmm....brb.


I like the coloring you did. I think the tattoos dont look too great, not your fault, i dont think they look good on the original stock either. Sorry for getting too picky man, but the way you cropped it looks funky to me. Looks like 2 different pictures of 2 people because you cant see the ladies arms around the man. Maybe if her hands were on his biceps it would look better.


You could turn the image to the left slightly to get some of her arms in.

The dark purple text I cannot read but the other colour I can.


Ahh its black, only put it in because you have to put your name on your entries. Not bothered if its readble xD

And what do you mean turn it to the left?

Thanks for the comments -TP-